Sure, it was freezing cold with a pretty strong wind… but I just HAD to get outside to play this morning! Enjoying a nice sunrise… even with all the warm layers on! Although I do think I need warmer gloves?!
And here’s the vase I threw last night as part of my marbled clay class demo… now trimmed & skinned to reveal the marbling better. Enamored by the three color combo, the layers & ripples. We decided in class that maybe this one should be soda-fired with no glaze on the outside just to see how the soda effects alter or enhance the marbled surface! That’s the plan!
After a bit of trimming & shaving the “skin” off my marbled clay demo from last night, the layers of colored clay were clearly revealed. Nicely layered & evenly distributed. Now I need to start thinking about how I’m going to glaze it… to enhance the colored clays and NOT obliterate it with some thick gloppy glaze!
Still enjoying some beautiful Fall moments & colors. Even though it feels like their time is quite limited. It came down as snow, but quickly melted into water droplets.
Another wet morning… oh wait,
I think that looks like snow coming down?!
As part of me “demo-on-demand” teaching philosophy… we also tackled a quick demo in stamp making tonight in class. I’ll try to get them bisqued quickly so my students can start using them next week in class!
After doing my “simple” demo version of marbled clay… one of my students Kelly decided to tackle it with a bit more precision. Cutting, layering, sticking together & making her own version of a Rubik’s Cube!!! I can’t wait to see what she makes with this amazing colored cube next week in class!
Tonight in my Intermediate Wheelthrowing class, we played with some marbled colored clays. We used a light B-clay, a brown clay, and a special “celadon” green clay I made by wedging some Mason stain into it earlier in the week.
A bit of layering, just a little bit of wedging and I got some nice marbled effects in my two demo pieces. When they dry to leather-hard, I’ll trim them and “shave off” the outer skin to reveal even more of the marbled effect.
What a difference one letter can make…
so today we’re also celebrating MUMSHOT MONDAY!!!
Again, with orange… my fave!!!
Celebrating a very chilly MUGSHOT MONDAY here in Chicago with another mug with very autumnal colors! Perfect… as orange is my favorite color!!!