Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: holiday

We’re counting down to the New Year! Hope you’re having a great time tonight with family & friends. Playing games, making resolutions & eating lots of yummy food. But by all means… be safe!!!

Categories: artists, pottery, process

Here’s a great time-lapse video of a very large pot from start to finish. From throwing the base, building it up layer by layer, a coating of slip and then some pretty impressive carving. I love to watch people working. And apparently these large, beautifully decorated pots are the hallmark of North Carolina potter Kate Johnston. Her work looks incredible… might just “need” to make the trip down to Seagrove soon for all of its pottery riches!!!

And a quick side-note to my students…
We will NOT be using blow torches in class!!! Just sayin’…

Click here for the video on Facebook.
And click HERE to see more works by Kate Johnston of Seagrove, North Carolina.

And done… for now anyways. I’m sure there is still some glazing to come?!

Categories: bowls, pottery, soda-fired, stamped

Some pots travel far, some stay fairly near.
It’s always fun to see where my pieces have traveled to. Where they now call HOME.
Like this stamped & soda-fired bowl  and ewer who have a cherished display place right next to some beautiful antique heirlooms in Maryann’s house in Baltimore.

Categories: clay, textures, tiles

Once a piece of pottery leaves my hands I always kind of wonder where it ends up. So it’s been so much fun to see some photos of their final homes. Like these in JoAnn’s house… two tiled mirrors and three textured wall pillows. Perfectly framing the doorway. Perfectly lit to help accentuate the textures.

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

One last morning bike ride for 2015. Sure, there’s snow on the ground and it’s a little cold, but the streets & bike trail were pretty clear… so I had to squeeze in just one more! Unfortunately, the clouds were there squeezing in one more too!

Categories: family, friends, My Talented Friends, Taylor

My niece Taylor got a new Taylor for Christmas!!!
Her Grandma & Grandpa (my parents) bought Taylor a beautiful new necklace from “My Talented Friend” Amy Taylor. She makes these wonderfully whimsical necklaces that she calls ADORBS… because they’re ADORABLE!!! I love having an adorable niece…. and I love having talented friends. And I really love when these moments come together!

So cute… so ADORBS.
For more of Amy Taylor’s work, click here for her website.

Categories: holiday, ornaments, pottery, soda-fired, tiles

More holiday snacks… I’m “sure” they taste a LOT better when served in Fire When Ready Pottery!!! Oval casserole filled with chips, tiled trivet, candle votive and a wheelthrown ornament. Happy Holidays… and thanks for sharing your pottery-filled family gatherings with me!

If you have any photos from your holiday gatherings using my pottery, please e-mail them to me so I can share your pictures too.

Categories: creativity, holiday

A cute Christmas photo from one of my customers. It’s a very creative use of one of my ikebana vases during the non-flower days of Winter. I also appreciate the red wax “slip-trailing” on the candle itself. Very cute. Very festive. Thanks Pam!

Categories: pottery, YouTube

Sign up for my new wheelthrowing class and I PROMISE to not play “Unchained Melody”, make any bad “Ghost” references or even do any of these crazy antics. So much fun to watch… but I guarantee not to re-create any of these awkward “hidden camera” moments. I’d rather create my own awkward moments!!! Kidding. Kinda.

Click here for the “unchained” video on YouTube.

Categories: classes, lillstreet

So you didn’t get what you wanted for Christmas???
Time to buy yourself the perfect gift.

How about the chance to play in the mud and make some great handmade pottery???
The new class session begins on January 12th for my Tuesday night Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing class. Sign up now and kick off the New Year with a new class. But do it quick… there are only FOUR spaces left in my class before you end up on a Waiting List!!!… ‘cuz that would be no fun!!!!

Click here to register online at Lillstreet Art Center.