Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: cirque du soleil

So it’s a Monday night..
and what better way to spend it than with some new “friends” from Cirque du Soleil?!

Tonight I attended a lecture about the debut of their new show in town “Banana Shpeel.”
On their soirée de relache, (that’s a night off in the theater world), oh la la…
French clown Patrick De Valette and creative assistant Raphaelle Pujolle came for a night
at the Alliance Francaise de Chicago to unveil the Cirque du Soleil’s newest venture.


Vaudeville, from the French words “voix de ville,” or village voice, was the most popular form
of entertainment in t America making immigrants from all over Europe laugh together
in makeshift theaters. More than a century later, it’s back! Director David Shiner,
trained as a mime in Paris, created a show that is a “roller coaster mix of performance styles
inspired by vaudeville that blends comedy with tap, hip hop, eccentric dance and slapstick.

So now that I’ve heard all about it… their inspirations, the process, the backstage videos,
and so much more… I can’t wait to go to the show!!!… in less than two weeks!!!

Categories: movie

So Monday night was the Opera… now to the other end of the spectrum.
An evening with Michael Jackson and his long-awaited, and oh so quietly
movie “This Is It.”


So I kind of felt as though I needed to see the movie. After all the hype.
After all of the aftermath. After all of the news reports. Somehow I felt compelled.
I grew up with his music – and must admit I LOVE the video for “Thriller.”
It felt as though it might be some sort of closure to the whole fiasco
that was Michael Jackson.

Here we go… with a lot of buttered popcorn along the way…
The movie was actually better than I expected. And I’m glad I saw it on the big screen.
It was interesting to see some behind-the-scenes footage of the concert preparations.
It was interesting to see Michael being Michael – instead of how the media has
portrayed him. He was an artist trying to make the perfect concert.
Sadly… that will never happen now.

While not the best movie ever… it was very interesting & entertaining.
You know all of the songs, and will most likely sing-along as I did.
It reminded me that Michael Jackson was a great talent.
It humanized him as a performer, not a media freak.
And his nose didn’t look all that bad!!!

Categories: special events

After a very busy weekend at my Holiday Home Show…
the last thing on my mind was to go to the Opera?!
But when I was offered free box seats this afternoon for the show this evening…
I was in.


So it was my first time at the Opera. I had just been there for a pre-site visit
for a “glitter gig” proposal, but never to see the show. The place is beautiful… and the
Opera was very fun. It was “Ernani” by Verde. Yep… me too… never heard of it either!
But with the offer of free seats… that didn’t matter. I’ll always take free tickets!!!


Categories: art fair, friends, special events

Thank You to everyone who made it out this weekend to make
“My Home For The Holidays” Home Show 2009 another huge success!

It was great to see so many familiar faces all enjoying some holiday cheer.
Art fair friends & fans. Studio friends. Neighborhood friends. Work friends.
It’s always a strange mix – all of my social “worlds” colliding in one place!
But I love it – and they all came over to kickoff their holidays in style!



My place was decked out in all its festive glory… with pottery in every room!
My favorite part?… we started out the weekend with over a hundred mugs!!!
You know they’re my favorite. Favorite to make. Favorite to use.

Thank you again to everyone who stopped by. Whether for a little holiday
shopping or just to hang out for awhile with a cup of hot apple cider!
It was great to see everyone. Let the holiday shopping season begin…
and Happy Holidays to everyone.

Categories: inspiration, nature, sunrise
Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

A little cloudy this morning over the lake.
Dramatic clouds crossing the sky… with a sliver of a sunrise breaking on the horizon.


Then I turned around and headed back home…
as the sunrise began to brighten the incredible skyline behind my back!


Categories: kiln firing, pottery, process, studio

Today was another kiln firing day.
I got all of my glazing done over the weekend, loaded last night with Karen & Marian…
and lucky for me, Marian was willing to start the kiln early this morning and Karen
was able to finish it off. My part of the kiln project is the big unloading on Thursday night!
Which let me just say is the best part… like Christmas finding all of the new treasures!
More pots for the weekend’s Holiday Home Show.

Categories: art fair, pottery, special events

It’s that time of the year again… time to kick-off your Holiday Shopping Season!
And there’s no better place than my own “My Home For The Holidays” Home Show.
It’s the perfect place to find a handmade gift for everyone on your list…
including yourself.

Feel bad splurging on yourself?… well here’s a coupon to take care of that.
A little something for you. Keep it for yourself. Or give it as a gift. It’s up to you.
Just think of it as my holiday gift to you!


If you can’t see the coupon on your computer… for some strange reason…
I’ll let you know that the coupon is good for one free mug with a purchase of $50 or more.
I will have a few “extra” coupons printed out and ready for those of you who can’t get it
to show up on your computer. I’m not sure why it doesn’t show up all the time?!
Limit one per customer. Only valid during the two-day Holiday Home Show

Categories: Chicago, special events

Yes, it’s true… today there were elephants on the streets of Chicago!
Strolling down the street, one long line, tail to trunk, tail to trunk…
Walking from the train that brought them right down the street to The United Center.
Seriously… the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus has come to town.
And every year they walk the elephants down the street… today was the day!!!




Categories: pottery, special events

It’s hard to believe that it’s time for the holiday season to begin…
but it is – and we’re kicking it off next weekend with my annual Holiday Home Show.

With pottery in every room, this is the largest selection of pottery you’ll see all year
from Fire When Ready Pottery. A whole lot more than the standard 10’x10′ art fair booth!
Bowls, mugs, vases, oil lamps, salt & pepper shakers, ceramic masks, soap dispensers,
tumblers, ikebana vases and so much more! The list goes on & on…
From large tiled wall pieces to small star ornaments & ceramic bead earrings.
There’s something for everyone on your Christmas shopping list.
Plenty of stamped textures for everyone!!!

Including the annual “Tired Of Shlepping Sale” on the back porch…
full of marked-down prices on lots of pots! Samples, class demos, “seconds” and some pots
that I’m just tired of shlepping from art fair to art fair… and now, up three flights of stairs!

Saturday, November 21st – 10:00am-6:00pm
Sunday, November 22nd – 10:00am-6:00pm

Stop by with your holiday shopping list – or just come by to hang out on my sofa.
Either way, we’d love to see you next weekend to kick-off the holiday season!
Perfect gift ideas for everyone on your list… including something for yourself!
Make plans to stop by next weekend… and bring your friends!

If you’re in the Chicago area and would like to come by, please e-mail me
for specific details, address and directions!