My latest production round was a group of “rounds”… the top part of ikebana vases coming together. Stepping it up so that I’m ready when the Spring flowers start popping up… just some positive thinking… or, wishful thinking!!!

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
My latest production round was a group of “rounds”… the top part of ikebana vases coming together. Stepping it up so that I’m ready when the Spring flowers start popping up… just some positive thinking… or, wishful thinking!!!
A bit more detail of my newest batch of mugs…
stamped, assembled, handled & now ready to dry…
and then off to a bisque kiln some time soon!
Handles attached… first batch of mugs for the NEW YEAR!!! You know they’re my all-time favorite thing to make. So there will definitely be a LOT more mugs to come!
Time to make some mugs… because I’m a firm believer that a mug without a handle is NOT a mug!!!
Just another night of stamping tonight on this batch of mug cylinders using my own handmade clay stamps. Hoping tomorrow I can trim & get handles attached to all of them!
More then ten wheelthrown mug cylinders before 10:00am. A productive morning in the studio.
Well look at me… ahead of schedule?!
It’s only Wednesday and my last kiln is already glazed & loaded…
and I don’t even need these trees until Saturday
for my SECOND HOLIDAY HOME SHOW! Crazy, right!
Replenishing my Christmas Trees with a bunch of new ones with holes & no bottoms… so you can light ‘em up with tea lights, votive candles or LED lights. Just in time to make the season more festive!!!
Early morning studio session of poking holes, carving textures & making stars!!!
A quick morning glimpse at the first layer of this year’s Christmas Trees! More layers & more kilns in the works! This is just the start as… cue the song… “it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.”
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 |