Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, artists, pottery, special events

While it’s still freezing in Chicago, it’s never to soon to start planning a fun pottery adventure for the warmer Spring days! So excited to see the newest poster arrive in my mailbox for the St. Croix Valley Pottery Tour up in Minnesota! So much fun to travel around to see pottery studios, potters & beautiful pottery everywhere! I’ll be up there touring & shopping… and you should too! Mark your calendars now…

Categories: art fair, holiday, pottery, special events

Time to start making your lists.. .and checking them twice! Hard to believe that next weekend is already my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!! With pottery in every room of my condo all decked-out for Christmas, food & drink in the kitchen… and the ever-popular “Tired Of Schlepping Sale” on the back porch! So mark your calendars… while I’m busy in the studio & at home getting everything ready for another BIG Holiday Home Show!!! And bring your festive friends…

Categories: Chicago, special events

Gone, but not forgotten. So the viral sensation of the FRIDAY MORNING SWIM CLUB may have come to a skidding halt… as it has taken a bad turn in the press & legalities are in process. But it’s hard to stop a popular sensation like this. So while there was no “official” swim this morning, I was still intrigued & wanted to see how many people would show up for the swim. As I pedaled over to Montrose Harbor, you were instantly “greeted” with police cars, news trucks & the police boat patrolling the water. While the crowd was wildly diminished from the usual “thousands” of people… there were still a lot of die-hards who were not going to let the weekly swim die so easily. Even with the choppy waters… there were still a lot of Swim Clubbers in the water!

Categories: nature, special events

Tonight was also a Super Blue Moon! Beautiful to watch it rise over the lake casting amazing reflections in the still crashing waves. So bright. So beautiful. But what is a “Super Blue Moon” anyway???

From TIME magazine…
“The ”Super Blue Moon” label requires a little unpacking. For starters there is nothing remotely blue about the way the moon will look tonight. Instead, the label–whose provenance is unsettled—refers to the second full moon in any single month. The last one to fill the skies was August 1, so tonight’s full moon comes in just under the wire to qualify for the blue distinction. Blue moons are not common. Only 3% of full moons are blue moons, according to NASA, so tonight’s moon would be noteworthy no matter what.”

Categories: artists, special events

Tonight was a fun night along the lakefront… as it was the FULL MOON FIRE JAM at Foster Street Beach. A fun fire celebration held throughout the summer for every full moon. It’s a collection of fire twirlers, fire jugglers, fire breathers & pretty much anyone else who plays with fire! It has been going on for years… and it just keeps getting bigger & bigger! Didn’t hurt any that tonight as a Super Blue Moon also!

Categories: special events, workout

So while I’ve had a sore ankle for about a week now, I’m also just a “little bit” stubborn… so… today was the CHICAGO TRIATHLON, and I was not going to miss it!

But when we got downtown, we found put that the Swim portion had been canceled due to the high crashing waves. They quickly turned it into a run-bike-run DUATHLON instead (just like we did in 2019). My ankle was not happy, but I was happier to NOT be swimming! So we ran the distance of the Swim, then did the Bike course, followed by the Run distance. The weather was otherwise perfect, and the Triathlon… err, Duathlon… was great fun once again! As it always is playing with my Tri-Buddies Chris & Nancy!!!

And on a good note… my ankle doesn’t feel any worse for the wear! If anything, if feels better. We’ll see how it feels tomorrow morning?!

Categories: special events

After my normal morning sunrise bike ride, it was time for a quick dip in the lake with the FRIDAY MORNING SWIM CLUB. It started during the Covid shut-down as a “safe” way for a few friends to get outside to see each other while staying safe. It has since grown to be a huge “swim party” thanks to word-of-mouth & social media. This is now the third “season”… sadly, I didn’t find out about it until season two! So much fun with about 2,000 people all jumping in the lake at Montrose Harbor for no real reason except for some FUN!!! A bit of splashing around… then home… and then back to Lillstreet for the end of another week of Summer Camp!!!

Categories: friends, mugs, special events

It may be just another typical MUGSHOT MONDAY… but it doesn’t look too typical for Allyn! Sure, she may be holding her favorite mug… but it looks like she might have something else to show-off today… a new bit of BLING on her finger!!!

Categories: bowls, lillstreet, special events

Last night was EMPTY BOWLS at Lillstreet Art Center. Huge thanks to everyone who participated… whether by donating your handmade bowls, or by coming to Lillstreet to buy them! All proceeds from the evening went to Common Pantry to help combat hunger & food insecurity in Chicago. Thanks again!

Categories: bowls, food, lillstreet, special events

Just a quick reminder… tomorrow night at Lillstreet Art Center is EMPTY BOWLS… our first one since the pandemic!!! A wonderful event to help a great “food pantry” cause. Basically, the potters at Lillstreet have been donating a bunch of handmade bowls… literally hundreds!!!… and they will all be available tomorrow night for a small donation to “Common Pantry.” A small donation and you get a great bowl… and to sweeten the deal?… the bowls will be filled with artisanal ice cream from JENI’S SPLENDID ICE CREAMS!!!

So here’s a quick peek at just a few of the bowls I’ve donated to the party… stamped, spiraled, glazed… even including everyone’s favorite “bubble glazed” bowl!!! Swing by for some bowls & ice cream!!!