Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, food

Last night in my Tuesday pottery class, I brought in two packs of the newest OREO flavor… Baskin-Robbins Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream! They must have been pretty darn tasty… as BOTH PACKS were gone in an instant!!!

So fast, that I only got ONE cookie!!! Which was totally fine by me…
because there “used to be” a third pack before class… allegedly!

Categories: platters, porcelain, sgraffito, tools

Two sgraffito carved porcelain platters ready to be bisque fired.
So fun carving through the band of black slip with my DiamondCore Tools.
Crisp lines & sharp carvings!

Categories: porcelain, sgraffito, tools

Playing at the studio today… soaking up some “free” air conditioning!!!
And carving some sgraffito pieces with the help of my favorite DiamondCore Tools.
Enjoying how this stack works together… a carved bowl on top of a sgraffito plate!

Categories: flowers

Sure is a scorcher today… but these little trumpet vine flowers seem to be loving it
as they’re growing up the side wall of Lillstreet Art Center.

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Crazy winds & crazy waves this morning! Not quite the beautiful sunrise we’ve gotten used to this week… but still great fun playing along the lakefront early this morning before the temps soar back up!!! Guess I picked the wrong day to “start” my swim training?! Maybe I’ll start tomorrow?… or not. Ha!!!

Categories: bowls, food, glaze, stamped

Hot summer night… cool summer salad…
even “cooler” in a stamped & glazed serving bowl.

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

After a wonderful string of beautiful sunrises, we knew that it had come to an end at some point. But maybe not quite yet today. While today was another hot & steamy ride, the beautiful colors were fleeting… stunning at first, then pastoral & serene… before the gray clouds moved and the sunrise was blocked and back then to gray… and still SWEATY!!!


Categories: photography, sunrise

With a sky full of clouds splashed with colors… a big sky-show requires BIG PHOTOS!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

This has been quite the week for beautiful sunrises!!! Today started out with a lot of clouds blocking the horizon. But luckily they blew through soon enough to make way for a colorful sky-show! Beautifully painted clouds… yet all too soon another wave of clouds moved in… this time darker, wider and ready to rain!!! Pedaling home faster than I expected!!!

And then the dark rain cl0uds started moving in… and I still had eight miles to pedal home!!!



Categories: color, flowers

Summer’s asiatic lilies.
Mother Nature sure is painting the gardens with beautiful colors these days!