It appears as though the fine folks at FACEBOOK are still trying to make it hard for small businesses to promote themselves. Oh sure, we can get a lot of people to “LIKE” our business pages… but getting our posts to those Facebook Followers? Well, that’s another story.

I currently have over 1,750 Facebook Followers for my pottery page.
However, each of my recent posts appears to only have reached about 350 people.
Not really sure how they decided WHICH Fans get them and which one’s don’t?!
It’s all part of their Master Plan to get businesses to pay extra money to “promote” their Business Page postings. Not the “FREE” Facebook that everyone is accustomed to. And let me just say, I will not be using that “service” to give them more money!
So, if you would like to see more of the postings from the Business Pages you have chosen to follow (like mine), it seems as though you need to click LIKE on postings more frequently, or leave a COMMENT now and again. And remember that you can always type in the name of the Business Page to see what you’ve been missing.
To see what’s going on with Fire When Ready Pottery on Facebook,
click here… and be sure to click the LIKE button.