Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: books, bowls, soda-fired, stamped

Imagine my surprise a few weeks back when I got a Facebook Message from Patty… a pottery friend & fellow Lillstreet teacher… who was visiting her daughter in Brooklyn and stopped by a small bookstore. She was excited to find that the bookstore featured a LOT of pottery books. Patty found this one that she thought would be good to show some new techniques to her beginner classes.

Flipping through… she found THIS photo that looked a bit familiar to her! So funny for her to find a book “out in nature” that features one of my pieces on page 61… under the category of “Impressing” as it is a British publication. Special THANKS to Patty for bringing another copy home for me too!!!

And yes, I was aware of it…
but it was published several years ago, so I had kinda forgotten about it?!
So it was a great “photo-refresher” from Patty!!!

Categories: books, pottery

So excited to be included in another pottery book…
by author Peter Cosentino.

It’s a great collection of potters making beautiful work with all different techniques.
Page 60 is all about stamping… err, “Impressing” as they apparently call it across The Pond…
and Page 61 is all about ME!!!

Thrilled to see two of my “impressed” & soda-fired bowls take up an entire page! AMAZING!
Thanks for including me Search Press as my work has now been published internationally!!!


Categories: books

Look what showed up in the mail yesterday…
a sweet new book hot-off-the-presses with my inclusion as Tip #62!!!
Lots of great tips, tricks & ideas… and I’m honored to have been included.


Categories: books

Rumor has it that “someone” might just be included in the newest pottery tricks & techniques book… ME!!! Just in time for your holiday shopping… for yourself or your favorite potter!!!

To order your own copy… click here!

Categories: books, mugs, pottery

Kickin’ off a New Year of Mugshot Mondays…
with a quick flashback to the “500 Cups” book by Lark Books.

I was so excited as it was the first time my pottery was published in a book.
So crazy to see you mug prominently displayed on Page 265.
And I’ve been addicted to making mugs ever since!!!

Categories: books, friends

Rochelle, one of my former pottery students, stopped by summer camp this morning
to say goodbye as she’s moving to Boston to go for grad school. HARVARD to be exact!!!
She’s been so much fun to have around the studio, always smiling, always witty, always
sarcastic. Three of my favorite things. She did give me a going-away gift too…
ahh, she knows me so well. My fourth favorite thing!!!

Categories: books, television

Well, it’s official… I am a dork.
Look what just arrived today “hot off the presses” from…

And I’m very excited. Can’t wait to start reading it all, deciphering & dissecting
the facts and figuring out what really happened to my favorite island survivors!
The stories, the back-stories, the flash-sideways, the connections, the numbers…
so much more!!! I’m very excited. And yes, I have already started the entire series
re-watch – I’m in the middle of Season One already. It’s fun watching it all over again
especially now knowing how it ends. And watching for all of those “clues” they kept
throwing at us – and we had no idea at the time!

So yes, I am officially a dork. And proud of it.
Admitting there’s a problem is the first step, right?!

Categories: books, Chicago, photography

I hope you’ve enjoyed sharing my photos over the years.
I love taking them. I enjoy capturing my experiences. I love the challenge of creating
a beautiful image through photo composition & framing… and now I need your help!

Again this year, CBS 2 Chicago is sponsoring a photo contest to get published in their
upcoming photo book “Capture My Chicago.” If you recall, they did the same project
last year and I was lucky enough to get two photos included in the book. And with your help,
I would like to get published again in their year’s version of the book. But I need your votes…

Simply go to
Register with a quick e-mail address – then start voting for your favorite photos!
Do a search for “Gary Jackson” – and then click on my shmarmy mug shot.
That will take you to my collection of photos which I hope you’ll vote for.
You have a choice to “Dig It” or “Nix It.” So vote early, vote often!

I currently have over fifty photos uploaded for your voting consideration.
And will continue to post more over the next few weeks. I’m not sure when
the deadline is for the book, but I hope to get a lot of votes so I can get published
once again. Please send this out to everyone… put it on your Facebook…
Twitter it… e-mail it… do whatever it takes to get the word out there!

Stop by today and start voting…

Categories: books, inspiration, television

Thanks to… my package came today… and…
I could finally erase all of the episodes of “LOST” Season Six off my TiVO!!!
Yes, I know it’s sad… I’ve “saved” all of the episodes. But I’m still suffering
from “LOST-separation-anxiety.” And am now ready to start over from the
very beginning with Season One’s original plane crash! But for now, my “LOST”
DVD collection is complete!  4 – 8 – 15 – 16 – 23 – 42… pathetic, I know…

Also in my Amazon package…
the latest “500” book from Lark Publishing… “500 Plates & Chargers.”
Sadly, I totally spaced out applying for this one?! Watching for their application deadlines
used to be a high priority… but somehow it fell off my radar this time?! But… luckily I have
been published in three of their other books… “500 Cups”, “500 Pitchers” and “500 Tiles”!
Check out this older blog post on “My Lark Trifecta.”

And a little guilty pleasure… also from Amazon, my favorite movie from third grade!
It’s a little short film by Albert Lamorisse called “The Red Balloon. A sentimental flick
about a lonely little French boy who is befriended by a Red Balloon! A saw it in 3rd grade
and still remember it to this day… check it out!!!