Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: mugs, production, stamped, stamps

Today was another productive day in the studio. Lots of new cylinders for another batch of mugs. This time slightly larger made from B-Clay. Throw a bunch of cylinders… then you need to stamp a LOT of cylinders too!!! Se here goes…

Mug One.

Mug Two.

Mug Three.

Mug Four.

Mug Five.

Mug Six.

Mug Seven.

Mug Eight.

Mug Nine.

Mug Ten.

Mug Eleven.

Mug Twelve.

Mug Thirteen.

Mug Fourteen.

Mug Fifteen.

Mug Sixteen.

Mug Seventeen.

Mug Eighteen.

Mug Nineteen.

Mug Twenty.

So now they’ve all been stamped… and trimmed today as well!
I’m hoping to get back into the studio tomorrow to add handles to them all.
That is if the impending snow storm doesn’t keep me away?!

Categories: clay, holiday

So five days wasn’t quite enough…
I just had to do a Facebook Challenge BONUS day for “Seasonal Saturday.”
An assortment of clay “novelties” that make me smile throughout the year!

Whoops… so I guess it should really be 5 photos x 6 days, huh???

Categories: Chicago, sunrise

Big sky. Big picture… with some big clouds moving in.
Let’s hope there’s not too much snow in them there clouds?!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

With a big snowfall predicted for later this evening, this morning was the perfect chance to squeeze in a quick bike ride on the last day of the month. Roads were dry & clear… most likely not so much after tonight’s impending snow!

Categories: garden, totem pole

It may be freezing here in Chicago, but it’s never to soon
to start dreaming about Spring, gardens and totem poles!!!

Categories: pottery, soda-fired, stamped, vases

We’re nearing the end of my Facebook Challenge, so it’s back to basics. With a couple stamped vases, pitchers and a teapot. Plus, another thank you to ceramic artist Cory McCrory & metalsmith Sarah Chapman for nominating me to take the Challenge!

Categories: stamped, textures, tiles

And since today we’re looking at textured tiles, let’s go one step further and look at some tiled installation pieces! More tiles means more fun, right?!

Categories: stamped, textures, tiles

For today’s Facebook Challenge, I’m focusing on Tile Thursday. Small, soda-fired textured tiles assembled into what I like to call my ClayQuilts. Including the last photo which was featured in “500 Tiles” by Lark Books on page 219.

As part of today’s challenge, I’d also like to nominate my friend Nancy Jana-Kent who got me to take my first pottery class several years back!!! Thanks Nancy.

Categories: stamped, textures, tiles

For today’s Facebook Challenge, I’m focusing on Tile Thursday.
Small, soda-fired textured tiles assembled into what I like to call my ClayQuilts.
Including the last photo which was featured in the “500 Tiles” book by Lark Books page 219.

As part of today’s challenge, I’d also like to nominate my friend Nancy Jana-Kent who got me to take my first pottery class several years back!!! Thanks Nancy.

Categories: bowls, mugs, process, production, stamped, stamps

Okay, so I found it too tough to limit myself to 3 photos a day like was supposed to for the Facebook Portfolio Challenge. So I bumped it up to five. Still struggling… so it’s two posts a day?! And this one stretches it even further with TEN images of freshly stamped, leatherhard clay. My favorite stage of the whole process!!!