Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: porcelain, pottery, process, production

Sure, I still have some spoon rests in inventory…
Who knew everyone would be cooking so much at home these days??? All day. Every day. But had I somehow known about all of this COVID-19 craziness in advance & made a plan… I would have started making more spoon rests a lot sooner than tonight!!!

Categories: food, friends

With everyone staying home, hunkering down, baking bread, and cooking more food in their own kitchens… it’s fun to see my pottery making a difference! Even in the smallest way… like this little spoon rest helping Deborah keep her curry sauce from smearing all over the countertop!!! Ha!!!

Categories: mugs, porcelain, process, production, stamped

Making some porcelain “carrots” before making porcelain handles. I think it’s a god shape to start with… wedged and compressed into this shape before pulling into handle shape.

So I just finished pulling some traditional handle. I just gotta let them set up a bit… and then I can start attaching them to mugs!!! I like to loop then over like this so that they are already most-of-the-way into curved handle shape before they start to set-up. Of course there can be a lot of re-shaping after they’re attached to the mug!

Here we go…
Score… slip… squish… attach… repeat… repeat… repeat…

Just finishing up the latest batch of porcelain mugs on another Mugshot Monday. Handles are attached & under wraps for the night as they start to dry slowly. Tomorrow I will do a little clean-up on them before I unwrap to let them dry completely.

Categories: bowls, food, friends

Looks like my friend Pam made herself a healthy & yummy dinner last night while self-isolating… and I’m sure that eating it out of one of my bowls only made better!!!

If any of you have been enjoying my pottery in your new “quarantined life”… I would love to see a photo! Please send a few pics to my email – Thanks, be safe, be healthy!

Categories: mugs, pottery, soda-fired, stamped

Just a reminder that today is my first “MUG-SHOP MONDAY” to be posted on Facebook… just one hour away! Yep, I’ll be posting the “official” Photo Album on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook at 10:00am CST. The first person to claim a mug by leaving a comment of “MINE” gets it. And when they’re gone, they’re gone!!! These are just a few more “teaser” photos!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Another gloomy start… with just the tiniest of little slivers of color way down south! Too bad the lakefront bike tail is closed, or maybe I would have pedaled in that direction to see a bit more of the color. But up north?… gloomy & gray!

Categories: mugs

Don’t forget… tomorrow is my first “MUG-SHOP MONDAY” with a dozen mugs going up for sale on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page at 10:00am CST. If you scroll down a few posts her om the blog, you’ll find a sneak peek & shopping details! Sneak peek here… but you can only purchase them on my pottery Facebook page tomorrow morning!

Categories: food

After two weeks of “locked-down“ George Foreman grilled chicken breasts, spinach, broccoli, rice, hummus, hard boiled eggs & lots of water… okay, maybe an OREO or two… I finally decided to splurge and have a REAL meal for dinner tonight. Oh pizza how I’ve missed you!!! My first “no-contact carry-out”… not too weird. And luckily, I now have a lot of leftover slices in the freezer for the weeks to come!!!

Categories: clay, process, studio

While we’re all secluded and anxiously awaiting to “reclaim” our normal lives… I thought it was time to turn out another large batch of reclaim clay! A big pile of wonderfully gooey stoneware reclaimed clay ready to set-up on my plaster bat until it solidifies enough to start wedging up again!!! Gotta love FREE CLAY!!!

Categories: mugs, porcelain, stamped, tools

Ready to get some trimming done tonight. This batch of porcelain mugs are coming together… and giving me something a little more “normal“ to focus on!