Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: food

I glazed & wadded ALL DAY long… and just finished loading the soda kiln… with about 15 minutes until Margie’s Ice Cream closes for the night. The timing seemed oddly perfect. Like I somehow just HAD TO go and “celebrate” finishing up the kiln. Karma, right? Just gearing up for a long soda firing!


Categories: kiln firing, process, production

Now THAT’s a lot of pots… a lot of flat pieces AND a lot of shelves!!!
I’ve never fired a soda-kiln with so many flat pieces. I hope that they all get “kissed”
with some nice soda atmosphere for some fun flashing effects. Fingers crossed.

Categories: glaze, process, production

So I did a LOT of glazing & wadding… and filled my rolling studio cart. I added a few bands of masking tape as “safety belts” so nothing shimmies off the cart while riding the rickety freight elevator. I love this cart that my Dad made for me years ago. When I have it filled with work, it pretty much equals a loaded soda kiln. Fill the cart, load the kiln.

Categories: kiln firing

I started this weekend with a lot of work ahead of me.
One empty soda kiln waiting to be stacked & fired…
which means a LOT of pots to glaze, wad & load before that can happen!


Categories: food

Okay, so by now you’ve probably figured out we have a “thing” for crazy-flavored OREO’s. Until now I thought these two new flavors were just an urban legend… but this video sure does make them look legit. Wasabi and Hot Chicken Wings. So now I just need to figure out a way to import them from China?! Any one traveling? Going on business? Anyone out there who can hook me up? They sound kinda gross… but I’m up for the challenge. Bring ’em on!!! Xièxiè.

Click here for a little preview video.

Categories: artists, bowls, collaborations, textures

With ART IN THE GARDEN just a week away,
the collaborations are quickly coming together.

My fellow collaborator Cory McCrory has been assembling textured slabs for her part of our project. Looks like things are coming together nicely!

Categories: mugs, stamped

Another batch. Stamped. Trimmed. Drying…
and racing their way into this weekend’s kiln!

Categories: bike, sunrise

It’s the last day of August, and sadly it kind of feels like the last day of Summer?!
Camp is over and it’s a much cooler morning as we roll into the Labor Day Weekend.
Another beautiful ride before I head back into the studio to continue glazing, glazing, glazing!!!

Categories: food

Not that I’m proud of this, but those BBQ Rib Tip Nachos were pretty darn amazing
at Smoke Daddy in Wrigleyville… not-surprisingly... emphasis on WERE!!!


Categories: bike, sunrise

As the sunrise gets later & later, the start of my ride seems to be getting darker & darker. With good cloud potential, the majority of my morning ride is now in darkness & early dawn. Saving the colorful sunrise surprise for towards the very end of my ride! Talk about anticipation!

