Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: holiday, terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

Good to see that one of my pottery fans & friend is celebrating Halloween by showing off his collection of my handmade ghouls!!! Thanks for sharing George… no trick, just a great treat!!!

Categories: food, friends, mugs

The streets may be covered with snow, but it looks like my friend Allison found a way to stay warm this Halloween night with a warm cup of hot chocolate in a stamped & soda-fired mug that makes it even better! Too bad it looks like she’s missing the yummy-gooey marshmallows on top!

Categories: food, friends, holiday

Hopefully the first of many more to come!!! This vegan version by Rachel…
complete with vegan coconut milk “whipped cream.” Festive yumminess!

Categories: holiday, terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

Pumpkins on parade for a chilly, snow-covered Halloween Night.


Categories: classes, wheelthrowing

This week in my pottery class I showed my students how to throw taller cylinders… and to lift the extra clay up & away from the bottom. Then I challenged them to throw their own tallest two-pound cylinder. Looks like Jacob & Janet took it to heart, as they were pretty much neck & neck for most of their challenge!

Categories: seasons, weather

Another day of October Snow!!!… good thing that this can’t go another day!
Well, snow maybe… but not October!!!

And here I thought the leaves were supposed to fall off BEFORE the snow?! Silly me.


Categories: holiday
Categories: friends, mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Always fun to see one of your mugs “pop-up” on someone else’s Instagram feed. Looks like my friend & former student Pam has been “test-driving” mugs from her collection to replace the “everyday” mug that broke! She was a long-time tile-maker who scoffed at wheelthrowing. Of course I tried & tried to convince her… until I released her inner wheelthrowing beast… and you should see her now!!! Check out her Instagram feed to see what she’s been up to.

Spoiler alert… no more tiles!!!

Categories: classes, stamped, stamps, wheelthrowing

So I just sub taught Lisa’s Sunday morning pottery class… where we did my favorite “Demo On Demand.” We tackled stamping bowls, throwing off the hump, lidded casseroles… and sharing all of the tricks & tips I could pull out along the way. So much fun… those three hours just flew by!!!

Categories: art fair, flowers, garden, soda-fired, stamped

Looks like these African violets are very happy in their fancy homes!!!
Thanks to Nancy for sharing the photos… and her husband Rick for growing his collection
in my stamped & soda-fired flower pots.

If you want your plants to be happy too…
my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW is less than a month away. November 23rd & 24th.
More details to come…