Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: studio

Some “spook-tacular” fun at the studio!… guaranteed to make you smile!

Categories: bike, nature, photography

Another morning bike ride.
Another sunrise over Lake Michigan.
Another morning of natural beauty.

Categories: pottery, process, production, stamps, studio

With less than four weeks until my annual Holiday Home Show,
I’ve been trying to stay productive in the studio. Keeping pieces at different stages
in the process… some freshly thrown, while stamping slightly dried pieces,
then trimming the leather hard work. The it’s off for firing…

“My Home For The Holidays” Home Show
Saturday, November 22nd & Sunday, November 23rd
10:00am-6:00pm  -  always the weekend before Thanksgiving!

More updates to come… please e-mail me for complete information.

Categories: studio

After saving some post-job “retired” orchids from the dumpster at my special events job…
I brought them to the studio and gave them a new home in one of my vases!
A ruby red mix of Mokara & Jamestorie orchids in a stamped & soda-fired vase.

A nice blend of textures… and a glimpse of how the greenware oval vases
might someday fulfill their destiny!!!

Categories: inspiration, nature, photography
Categories: bike, inspiration, nature, photography

The Hilly Hundred is my favorite bike ride of the season!
It’s like the bookend marking the end of my summer riding season.
Two days of hills… two days of fun… with thousands of riders!

Some seasonal beauty from the weekend…
click on each thumbnail for a larger image.

Saturday morning was chilly – but the sun warmed it up quickly.
The day’s ride was crisp & clear – with long sleeves & gloves.
Sunday started with frost on our tents… the chilly morning
wiped out some of the few prairie flowers remaining!

But the day got warmer as we ended up riding in shorts & short-sleeve jerseys!

After a long day of riding on Sunday… it’s time for a long drive home.
Enjoyable when your view through the car window is this…

And for those of you who like to see the details…
here’s a small snipet of the daily cue sheets showing elevation gain
for each day – over 3,000 feet of elevation gain daily!

Categories: bike, inspiration, nature, photography

As fall settles in, my early morning bike rides are getting tougher & tougher.
Yet with a stunning sunrise like this… it still makes it all worthwhile!
And I hope that the biking season continues for a few more weeks!!!

Categories: inspiration, nature, photography
Categories: inspiration, nature, photography

Possibly the nicest weather weekend of the entire year…
and with today’s Chicago Marathon taking over the lakefront,
it was the perfect day to get away from the city
and go “into the woods” for some natural inspiration.
The colors & patterns. The highlights & shadows.
The rustling of the leaves. The crisp fall breeze.
All in all, an incredibly wonderful day of hiking around Rockford’s Lake Pierce… twice!

Remember… the small square pictures are just “thumbnails”…
click on them to see the full image!

Categories: gallery, pottery

Yes… I’ve been red-dotted!

One of my collaboration pieces from “Collective Conversations In Clay”
has been purchased… and therefore… I’ve been red-dotted. The first red-dot of the show.
The traditional indication in a gallery show that a piece has been sold.
The red dot.