Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: studio

Okay, so some of my studio shelves came crashing down. Whatever…
Now I have a whole new wall of pegboard to play with…

Thousands of possibilities… 3,528 peg holes of possibilities!!!
Yes, I counted…

Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

As my campers finished their sculptures, we turned to more painting since
they were doing so well, and having so much fun. So we switched to a little fun
with color theory and gradations. They did a great job mixing & blending colors
and painting their color swatches. Once they dried, we put them back together
to create a mural to put on the wall for all of Lillstreet to see!

Oddly…. many of the kids didn’t quite understand that they paint was supposed
to be on their paintbrushes… and NOT their hands?!!!

And here’s their final result… the mural that all of Lillstreet can now enjoy!

Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

As the week continued, my campers started to work on their sculptures.
We built them with wire hanger armatures, newspaper & masking tape
fillers and a final “sculpting” layer of plaster gauze. The kids were all quite
focused… and excited to finally be painting them to bring them to life!

Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

And a very good job by Grace… who assembled her collage out of magazine pictures
and then enlarged the image onto her canvas board, and painted the entire thing
with just primary colored acrylic paints! Nicely done Grace!!!

Categories: special events

Exactly one month from today?… the Chicago Triathlon.
My first ever. It’s time to start getting nervous, right?!

Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

This week, my Summer Camp is Clay & Multimedia… which means we do a clay
project on Monday, and other art projects throughout the week. So my afternoon
group of campers have switched to a painting project. They’ve chosen photos from magazines and have been working to enlarge them & paint the picture on canvas boards. Some of them have breezed right through it… other have required a little more “assistance.”

And then there’s Emma… who effortlessly created her nautical masterpiece!
A little painting prodigy in the making.

Categories: bike, sunrise

Some mornings are bright & clear… others are not.
Well, let’s just say that today was not one of the clear ones!
But it was great fun to watch the sky changed from its indigo darkness through
pinks and into a orangey sunrise sky. But then the clouds won… no more sun!

Categories: creativity, Mom & Dad

Known to many of you as my wonderful “art fair assistants”…
My parents are vacationing this summer out in Montana and the incredible
Yellowstone National Park. While out there, they’ve been seeing a lot
of natural wonders… as well as these fantastic sculptures found somewhere
out on the road along “The Enchanted Highway.”

Be sure to note the scale of these impressive sculptures…
look at the REAL split-rail fence to the far right bottom corner of the deer sculpture!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise
Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

It’s another week of summer camp… and the kids this morning were pressing leaves
into their clay, covering them with colored underglaze, and then pulling out the
leaves to reveal a wonderful “relief” of the leaf! These colorful “natural” slabs were
then formed into plates, platters, mugs & vases!