Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: garden, nature

With some much-welcomed sun streaming through, I was enamored by these little pink berries I had never noticed before?! I believe the plant is an invasive vine/bush called “Spindle”???… at least according to my phone’s plant app!!! Still cute though!

Categories: nature, photography

Yesterday was a great day for wandering. I spent most of the day hiking at Rock Cut State Park in Rockford. There’s a special fondness for this place as we camped there frequently as kids. Nice to have fond memories as you hike around the lake. Taking your time to see the colors & appreciate Mother Nature’s handiwork… especially as the colors are starting to change!

Categories: nature

Last night was kind of AMAZING!!!

I got a late night text from my friend Tiffany asking if I was “outside.” I had just gotten home from the studio, changed clothes & settled in to enjoy a night of SURVIVOR. She said you can see The Northern Lights over Lake Michigan… and even sent me a photo to “prove” it!!! So I immediately hopped in my car, zoomed over to the lake, parked, got out… and saw nothing but black sky?! Wait… what?! Did I miss it??? Nope!!! Apparently you can only see it through your phone’s camera??? Weird. So what else is my phone seeing that I can’t?!!!

Anyway, I got there in time for about 15 minutes of The Northern Lights sky show!!! It was pretty cool… but I was a little underwhelmed just cause I only saw black skies myself?! But I guess it’s “real”?… ‘cuz my phone told me so??? And I’ll take it!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!

Categories: bike, nature

A beautiful day for a bike ride north along the lafefront, past mansions & scenic vistas… past lighthouses & Ravinia Festival. Through Openlands Lakeshore Preserve & Fort Sheridan. Pedaling north until the “Path Ends” much like a Shel Silverstein book. HA!!! Then a quick lunch at Waukegan Harbor, and then a return trip home.

Only after hanging out at the Waukegan Lighthouse… where you could actually see Chicago way off in the distance!!! Funny I’ve never noticed that before?!

Categories: animals, flowers, nature

On a beautifully sunny day, it’s nice to see a little visitor in the garden. I haven’t seen a lot of monarchs this summer… but I’m guessing their migration must be soon?! One quick snack before the arduous journey heading south?! Take your time… and bring your friends.

Categories: flowers, nature

My first dahlia bloom of the year… finally at full-size! Hopefully we all survive this dry-spell we’re in & I get more dahlias to bloom in my garden!!! The leftover water in my bike water bottles only goes so far!!! Ha!!!

Categories: nature

And when the sun was rising in the east, the Super Moon from last night was still hovering in the west. A nice big full moon to greet the morning sun!!!

Categories: art fair, nature

Late afternoon art fair vibes… loving the “garden” shadows on my tent.
We still have another hour… c’mon by, c’mon buy!!

Categories: nature, textures

After last night’s crazy storms, it’s nice to have some natural serenity of wild plants growing along the railroads… gracefully arching with great colors, contrasts & textures. Perfect for a natural Texture Tuesday.

Categories: flowers, nature

An early morning hike out in the suburbs to start my day…
wandering aimlessly… enjoying my road to nowhere.