Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: nature, textures

After last night’s crazy storms, it’s nice to have some natural serenity of wild plants growing along the railroads… gracefully arching with great colors, contrasts & textures. Perfect for a natural Texture Tuesday.

Categories: flowers, nature

An early morning hike out in the suburbs to start my day…
wandering aimlessly… enjoying my road to nowhere.

Categories: flowers, nature

Before the morning rain… a little early morning pollinating on the purple larkspurs currently blooming in my garden! And they’re breathing a big sigh of relief after a bit of rain… they weren’t so happy during our heatwave drought days last week!

Categories: flowers, nature

On a road to nowhere. Someone visiting my booth during the Northern Illinois Pottery Tour mentioned how “important it is to get out of your zip code every once in awhile.” She was talking about her drive all the way out to Sandwich… but I took it to heart today. A beautiful day with some beautiful clouds. Perfect for exploring & playing out in nature… away from my own zip code!!!

Categories: flowers, nature

Sure, it might just be a weed… but doesn’t it count more if it’s a “pretty” weed? I’m really digging these purple thistle flowers… and the pointed “crown” around the bottom of the flowers!

Categories: nature, textures

I’m really liken’ the lichen! The colors, the textures & the contrasts.
Another perfectly natural focus for another Texture Tuesday!

Categories: nature, textures

Late afternoon sun highlighting the colors & textures of a large begonia plant on my front porch.

Categories: nature

When on a road trip headed north… and you see a Rest Area sign that says “Scenic Overlook”… ya’ just gotta pull over for a quick hike in the woods. A great break from driving on an expressway all day!!!

Categories: flowers, nature

Before the rain… some beautiful little white flowers blooming on textured green leaves.

Categories: flowers, nature

Some of the brightest flowers along the lake… more crabapple trees in bloom.
But this dark magenta color is CRAZY!!! So vibrant it almost doesn’t look natural?!