Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: process, production, stamps

After my bike ride break… I was back in the studio trying to finish up some new pieces
I’ve been working on. After the Julia Galloway workshop, I realized that I have never
really made sugar & creamer sets. So why not give it a try… and use her inspiration
to make them with my own twist. So far so good… now they’re drying and waiting
for some flashing fun in the soda kiln. I’m pretty pleased… but a lot can still happen to them?!

Categories: bike

Quick break for a sunny bike ride along the lake…

Skies were blue with lots of white clouds passing quickly. It was very windy,
gusty and funny. I could never tell which direction the wind was even coming from?!
And now it’s back to the studio for more fun!

Categories: process, production

I love having an “extra” bonus day to play. So I knew I had to make things!
The weather forecast is great and surprisingly warm & sunny. Knowing that I would
“need” to go for a bike ride, I went into the studio early to throw some simple shapes
that will become small flower pots.

Categories: inspiration

Today is Leap Year Day!
Once every four years we get this wonderful FREEBIE kind of day!
Celebrate this bonus day – go out, get excited and make something fun!

Categories: bike, sunrise

This morning started out with another beautiful, rosy sky. Such promise!
Kinda makes me feel like Spring may be closer than we think?!

Instead of “shining” this morning, it just kind of fizzled out. Back to gray!

Categories: art fair, artists, friends, My Talented Friends

Mark your calendar for this Friday night!
As my friend & potter Amy Higgason is “returning to her roots” back at Lillstreet
for a special one-night Trunk Show. She’ll be setting up her beautiful pottery in my
studio space. It’s been over eight years since Amy moved up to the Wisconsin Northwoods.
So it will be a great chance to stop by and see Amy and her work while she’s in town.
As you may recall, the last time I got to play with Amy is when I went up to the Northwoods
for ART DETOUR last Fall. Since she’s coming down to Chicago for a smaller show,
I’m jokingly referring to it as ART DETOUR LITE.

Amy Higgason Trunk Show – Friday, March 2nd from 5:00-9:00pm.
Lillstreet Studio 205 West – on the second floor of Lillstreet Art Center.

Categories: nature, seasons

Well, I guess it is still “technically” Winter after all…

Categories: bike, sunrise

This morning was beautiful as the sunrise created a rose colored splash across the sky.
Sadly, it didn’t last very long as the cloudy grey sky took over to cover the rest of the day.
Plus, there are rumors of rain & snow headed our way… glad I got out for a great morning
ride before the storm gets here!

Categories: kiln firing, process, production

Tonight I loaded another electric bisque kiln.
Admittedly, not my best job of packing it tight. You know it kills me to leave open space!
But I had some odd sized, and odd shaped, pieces that didn’t quite “fit” together nicely.
Plus the glazed terra cotta planter trays that wouldn’t allow me to stack things as usual.
It always feels good to get fragile greenware off my studio shelves and safely into a kiln.
One step closer to some new finished pots!

Layer #1 -always my favorite layer – when you have a lot of pots to choose from to fill.
Starting with oval casserole dishes, oval vases, test tiles, mugs and more “kiln filler.”

Layer #2 -stamped platters, glazed terra cotta trays… and more kiln filler!

Layer #3 -a stamped platter, small casserole dishes and glazed terra cotta trays.

Layer #4 -mugs, small casserole dishes… and one filler piece from Karen Patinkin!

Categories: friends

When I got to the studio tonight, I found a wonderful sweet surprise waiting for me.
I went downstairs and found this bag full of yumminess sitting on my teacher’s shelf!

She may not think they are so pretty in the bag… they look much better on a handmade plate.
One bite in… and I can attest that they taste incredible. They are yummy! Thank You Kristin.