Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: artists, creativity, friends

And of course, a new twist-tie necklace needs a lovely supermodel to properly show it off! Huge thanks to my pal Judy for volunteering to help this afternoon at Lillstreet… she was the first of the three I asked to volunteer. See Catherine & Patti what fun you missed out on… should’ve volunteered sooner… HA!!!

April 2021 Handmade Chain Challenge… DONE!!!
#2021chainchallenge – #handmadechain – #chainlinks2021

Categories: clay, creativity, inspiration

Well, it’s the last day of April… and the last day for Monthly Handmade Chain Challenge entries! As I’ve been working hard in the studio lately… I saw some “inspiration” right in front of me on my pegboard. So I decided to make this month’s handmade chain out of the wire twist ties that all of my clay comes in from Continental Clay!

And what’s the perfect pendant for a clay-bag-twist-tie-necklace?…
well, a miniature bag of clay with its own twist tie of course!!!

#2021chainchallenge – #handmadechain – #chainlinks2021

Categories: mugs, process, production

So I’ve unloaded the bisque kiln and now I’ve got just a bit of glazing to do. These are more of my new “wheelthrown-handbuilt-combo” mugs. They’re all ready to go… but I might tackle these tomorrow! Seems a little daunting right now?! I’ve got time… my next soda-firing is still a ways away!

Categories: flowers, nature

Some amazing tulips blooming in my friend Nancy’s garden! They’re like double tulips… almost looking like small peony flowers on a tulip stem?! You gotta love Spring… Spring flowers… and Mother Nature!

Categories: classes, platters, process, production, stamped, textures

Last night in my SURFACE DECORATIONS class, I did a little “Demo-On-Demand” repeat. They saw my post about the handbuilt textured platter from Tuesday night’s class… and they wanted to see it too!!! So I did it again… this time with a commercial roller from a paint store, and a small grooved rolling pin! These are turning out pretty cool… I may need to make more of these???

Categories: inspiration, studio, tools

We’re nearing the end of the month…
and again, I’m looking for a little inspiration!

Categories: special events

DONE… thank you Pfizer & Walgreens for my second shot this afternoon. Do your part… roll-up your sleeve to help curb this pandemic. Protect yourself and those around you so we can all get back to “normal” some time soon.

Categories: flowers, soda-fired, vases

Looks like three of my textured square vases have found the PERFECT location! They look perfect there… almost as though they were designed to fit in that space with beautiful flowers! Just perfect Patti… thanks for sharing!

Categories: flowers

Bleeding Heart beauties… sweet spring moments dripping off arched branches. It’s a shame these are so short-lived & fragile.

Categories: process, tools

Trimming some bowls… and then THIS happened!
A wonderful little spiral of clay that curled around my DiamondCore trimming tool. For only a moment… and then it was cleaned off & back to the trimming at hand!