Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: color, process, production

Feeling a little ROUGE inspired… and painting some RED accents on these pots tonight for my next soda firing!!!

Categories: architecture, Chicago, theater

While the inside of the Nederlander Theater was painted with red light for MOULIN ROUGE, the lobby architecture is equally impressive. Our friendly usher Nancy told us some history about this statuesque & landmarked theater that was built back in 1926. This place is so incredible… even more lavish & over-the-top at every turn. The sure don’t make ’em like they used to!!!

Categories: architecture, music, theater

“Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, flow sista”…
Another fun night of musical theater last night. Long-awaited…
as MOULIN ROUGE was one of the biggest shows around when the world shut down about two years ago… just as it was about to arrive in Chicago! When we all did our best to survive the craziness of a worldwide pandemic. So again, it felt GREAT to be back in a theater with a live cast performing on stage.

So let’s talk about the elephant in the room… sure, we had to show proof of vaccine & stay masked the whole time… but I’m still loving it. And yes, the show was well worth the wait!!! Oh yeah, and there REALLY is a big elephant in the room!!!

“Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?”… thank you Lady Marmalade!!!

Categories: color, craftsmanship, mosaic, textures

Enjoying a little TEXTURE TUESDAY today with this beautiful & fiery glass mosaic!

Categories: food, friends, holiday

Another day… another national holiday to celebrate… and who am I to question why?! Today was NATIONAL SOMETHING ON A STICK DAY!!! So of course I had to celebrate with a couple yummy “s’mores on a stick” from MAURIES SUGAR SHOPPE in Eureka, Illinois! As recommended… a mere 8 seconds in the microwave makes them all gooey & marshmallowy!!! Thanks for making my holiday yummier Keith & Julie!

Categories: clay, lillstreet, process

So now that we’re in between class sessions at Lillstreet… looks like our clay monitors have some catching up to do! The class reclaim buckets are overflowing… in the best way possible! I love the precarious balance of that big pile.

You know my Summer Camp kids would never allow this to happen… as pressing the chunks through the metal grid lid is one of their favorite projects!

Categories: animals, mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Looks like another mug has found a comfy home… with a comfy cat!

From Darlene… “Ooo-eee! I love this mug! Thank you Lauren for your kind gift and Thank You Fire When Ready Pottery for making such a great mug! Love the shape, the color, the imprint… ❤❤”

From Lauren… “Cat not included with purchase 😂”

Categories: sunrise

Easy. Breezy. Beautiful… also know as windy, chilly & cold! But still a great way to start the day… I am SO ready for Spring to start warming up!!!

Categories: bowls, classes, glaze

Okay, so there’s been a good bit of “buzz” about this bowl around the glaze carts… everyone asking how I did it. And I didn’t… but because my name is in the bottom everyone assumes it’s my glazing too?! But it’s NOT.

Chelsea was looking for some bisqued bowls for her glaze class demos… and I gave her a couple to play with. This one turned out STUNNING!!! Beautifully vibrant colors, incredible ombre’ blends, gravity-defying drips, the WHOLE THING!!!

So here’s the glaze plan…
as best I understand it from Chelsea, Queen of All Glazing…

1. Waxed the bottom with decorative scalloping.
2. Dip fully in Chun Blue.
3. Dip the top rim inside & outside with Galaxy Black.
4. Just below that, paint a thick band of Tom’s Purple.
5. Dip the top rim inside & out to cover those two bands of black & purple.
6. Then add a few splatters of Galaxy Black on the interior.
7. And then fingers crossed for some kiln magic… which she definitely got!!!

Categories: platters, process, production, stamped, stamps

Stamping up another platter… one handmade stamp pressed in over & over again… one by one by one… So much more fun that a plain, smooth plate!