Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: Chicago, nature

After three weeks in Dover, it felt great to finally go home…

And hello Chicago… just in time for a beautiful afternoon bike ride along the lakefront. The perfect way to return home and get “back to normal” right away. Sweet Home Chicago.


Categories: nature

After a day at the beach, we did a quick “drive-by” and saw the miniature horses again. And the adorable little baby… even more miniature than the others. The full-sized “miniature” horses are just a bit larger than a German Shepherd.

And new this year, a couple miniature donkeys… including this adorable little guy!!!

Categories: nature, vacation

After nearly three weeks of working every single day, we finally got a day off today. The semi-trucks are all packed… and we headed off to the beach. We decided to hit Dewey Beach, just south of Rehoboth. We were pleased with how un-crowded the beach was. The day started out cloudy & overcast…

Still nice enough to stick my “painfully-white” feet into the ocean…

After about an hour, the clouds started to pass, and the blue skies were filling in.

And what’s more fun on the beach than making sandcastles?! Well these were a few I found along the way as I strolled along the ocean.


Categories: sunset

After a day of exploring Dover on foot, it was the perfect night for another sunset run.

And a little Speedway silhouette on the sunset sky…

Categories: nature
Categories: creativity
Categories: creativity

You know I loves me some roadkill… and this one made me laugh after the concerts!!!

Categories: nature

With my bike already packed on a semi-truck,
I had to find another mode of transportation today.

My feet.

Exploring more of Dover.
As my time here is drawing to a close.

Categories: bike

This morning I decided to return to Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge. When I went last time, it was gray and clouded. When I got up today, I saw a lot of clouds, which could be a lot of potential. Sometimes the clouded morning sky gives the sun a great canvas to bounce its sunrise colors off of. But sadly, not today. The clouds were just too overpowering and the sunrise never had a chance. So it was another gray and cloudy day at Bombay Hook.

Categories: bike, sunrise

The the days of the concerts, it was tough to find the time or the energy to get up for my morning bike rides. We were working about 18 hours a day, outside, on our feet the entire time. I’d like to think I have good stamina, but when we finally made it back to the hotel, I was done. I needed sleep… and somehow a couple hours of sleep won out over another morning sunrise.

But now that the concerts are over, and our daily schedule is getting back to normal. I’m getting back into my morning routine. And it felt great today to return to Port Mahon for another stunning sunrise over Delaware Bay. An early start added some drama in the darkness as the moon was still hanging out… being framed by the tree!

And then the sun finally popped over the horizon…

And some of you may know that I have an odd fascination with roadkill. I have quite the collection of photos from years of biking. Always intrigued by the “circle of life” and how some poor decisions can have fatal results. The one I found this morning made me stop in my tracks. First I thought it was a large frog, but then upon further inspection… this Barbie didn’t have a good experience down at Port Mahon!!!