Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: family, food

My cousin Kim has apparently been playing in the kitchen again.
This time baking a pie… her very first Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie.
Made with her mom’s homegrown rhubarb and her own garden-fresh strawberries.
And making it look even more appetizing on one of my stamped celadon platters!!!

From Kim on Facebook…
First time making strawberry rhubarb pie. 🍓   Mom’s rhubarb; my strawberries !

Categories: creativity, lillstreet

Somebody’s been doodling…
Something new is happening along the back staircase of Lillstreet Art Center…
It’s been an unattractive & slightly grimy brick stairway for years.
A little art on the walls will be a very welcome addition!!!

Categories: flowers, garden

This morning there was a new bloom in my front yard garden.
And I think it might be my new favorite. A beautiful, purple bearded iris.
Unfortunately, there is only one stalk of blooms… hoping for more next year!!!

Categories: flowers, soda-fired, stamped, weather

Tiny flowers require a tiny pot.
And a miniature vase needs miniature stamps!!!
Lily-Of-The-Valley… a wonderful Spring scent.

Categories: nature

After a meeting at the Zoo this afternoon, I got a quick glimpse of the newest arrival.
A baby Japanese Macaque who was just named today… OBU.
Pretty darn adorable… too bad he won’t stay quite this cute, huh?!

Categories: bowls, pottery, process, production

Tonight I washed the dust off of some old bisque pots.
They’ve been on my studio shelf a little bit too long… and needed some good dusting.
So I literally hosed them down at the sink. Now they’re drying overnight so I can glaze them this weekend. Some new pots getting ready for the Hinsdale Art Fair in two weeks!!!

Categories: flowers, garden

A full batch of beautiful purple iris are blooming in my front yard.
They’ve been growing for a few years, slowly spreading into a nice mass of spiky leaves.
This is the first year they’ve decided to bloom so profusely… and a lot more buds in the making!



Categories: bike

Clouds early. Clouds late.
A “surprise” storm… and then more clouds.
Only a hint of sun later in the day.

Categories: art fair, pottery, soda-fired, stamped

I always enjoy hearing from my happy & satisfied customers…
and I just LOVE seeing my pots in their new homes!!!
Keep sending me your photos & stories!!!

Dear Gary,
I attached a photo of the flower pot that my husband bought for me last weekend in Schaumburg.  I love it. Your design and artistic talent are remarkable. This pot is beautiful and functional right down to the swirl in the tray which is a nice detail and allows for better drainage! Your work is appreciated and I wish you much success.

Best Regards,

Categories: bike, sunrise

Clear skies.
Shimmering reflections.