Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: inspiration, organization

So we all know that social media is somehow “controlled” by some crazy algorithms that seem to be ever-changing. Looks like this is the current “secret” for Instagram, and I’m pretty sure the same holds true for Facebook. The more you “Share, Comment & Like” on someone’s posts, the more you’ll get to see more of them in your News Feed.

Categories: organization, process, production, stamped

Spent some time in the studio finishing up a couple batches of new test tiles. I think I want to do two more batches with two more kinds of clay. Then I can bisque them and start the actual glaze tests. I’ve been wanting to clean out & update my studio glazes for awhile now. Guess after five months I’ve waited long enough…

Categories: organization

One of my Facebook Followers said she got a message from “me” through Facebook Messenger… BUT IT WAS NOT ME!!! If you get a request from someone named Andrea Wilson DO NOT accept, engage or respond to anything!!!

It is NOT ME… and I’m pretty sure Andrea does not make pottery, ride a bike or love sunrises!!! BEWARE!!!

Categories: glaze, organization, process, production

My studio cart works especially well when I’m glazing & wadding for a soda kiln. When my cart is full… it pretty much equals a full kiln. So then I put these masking tape “seat belts” on the shelves so no pots can jump off during their ride down the rickety freight elevator to the kiln room.

Categories: computer, organization

Bills. Receipts. Reminders. Piles of paper.
Why do I put off doing my taxes until the last minute every year???
You would think I would learn, right?

Anyone else out there in the same predicament???

Categories: glaze, holiday, organization, pottery, stamped

Still wrapping up some presents… and don’t you love when the box fits perfectly?!!!
Good thing I had pizza for dinner last night.

Oh, and by the way, if this gift turns out to be yours,
please act surprised when you open it!!!

Categories: organization, studio

I’d didn’t actually “make” a lot of things in the studio today.
Instead I got swallowed into a vortex that included color-coded tapes
and my label maker!!! It was bound to happen sometime!



Categories: organization, stamps, studio

Look, I’ve got another new tray to fill with new stamps!!!
Guess I’ve got to start making MORE.

Because the six full trays I have already just are not enough apparently?!

Categories: art fair, organization

ARRRGGHHHH… I think these postcards might be jinxed?! First it was the stamps… now it’s the color? Or lack thereof. I ordered full-color backs for my postcards… I just didn’t plan on that color being GRAY!!! Luckily everything is still legible… just not as pretty as it’s supposed to be. And be sure that VistaPrint will be hearing from me!

Categories: art fair, organization

So I finally found postage stamps… kinda. Seven post offices today and I only found 93 postcard stamps?! So the rest of my postcards are going out with TWO stamps on them that at add up to a couple cents more than the standard postcard rate. I had to get creative if I want these postcards to get out on time… or more likely, just in the knick of time for next weekend’s big Home Show! I hope people like penguins?… ‘cuz there’s going to be a LOT of them going out!!!