Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: friends, mugs, My Talented Friends, photography

Celebrating another MUGSHOT MONDAY… with a nice post my friend & talented photographer who posted this on Instagram. Great photos, great eye, great guy. You should definitely check out his work on Instagram @ericcraigstudios

You can also check-out his work on his website… www.ericcraigstudioscom

Categories: photography, sunrise

Panoramic perfection from this morning’s bike ride.

Categories: photography, sunrise

Big morning sunrises require big morning photos!

Categories: photography, sunrise

Big sky sunrises need big scale photos!
Panoramic splashin’ waves along the lakefront this morning.

Categories: Chicago, photography, workout

A beautiful day for Shamrock Shuffling through downtown Chicago this morning… a perfect way to kick-off the first day of Spring with my friends!!! Sure, some people were running the race… while others (like me) were “shuffling” and enjoying the sights along the way for a fun photo tour of the downtown route!

Categories: ETSY Shop, mugs, photography, process

I’m kinda thinking it might be time for another online mug sale?! So today I’m enjoying the sun streaming through the window as I’m photographing a bunch of mugs! Mugshot Monday should be a nice day to kick-off my ETSY Store re-fresh… as long as I can stay focused and not get distracted by this sunny afternoon?!

Categories: artists, photography, platters, pottery

Looking at the latest batch of fresh postcards from THE POSTCARD CLUB. Featuring Seattle-based photographer Connor Surdi. Always fun to figure out who’s going to get a little fun from me in the mail next?!

Categories: architecture, photography

Rural road trip barn… my favorite along Route 55.

Categories: photography, sunrise

At some point, after taking so many pictures of the morning sunrise… you gotta try something different now & again!

Categories: photography, sunrise

Generally not a “big fan” of getting solar flare spots in my sunrise photos. But then again, sometimes they can be quite beautiful. Like some this morning when there was so much misty spray in the winds that it was tough to keep my camera lens dry through the sunrise. And therefore… THIS happens!!! And I’m kinda okay with this one!!!