Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: production, stamped, stamps, textures, tiles

A little cloudy this morning, so I went into the studio for another 10×10 challenge… and I tackled a batch of rectangle tiles that I’ve been formulating a “plan” for! Some of the tiles were made with my MKM Pottery Tools … while others were made with my own handmade clay stamps.

Categories: textures, tiles

Working on something a little newer & a little bigger… playing with textures again! Looking forward & hoping that these are done & fired before “4×4 : FOUR MAKERS”… my next gallery art show the first weekend of March in Evanston, Illinois. More details to come… and more photos if this “plan” works out?!

Categories: soda-fired, textures, tiles

While setting up for this weekend’s SECOND HOLIDAY HOME SHOW, I’ve got some new things to put out!! Not only do I have two kilns currently firing & cooling… but I’m restocking the shelves so there’s plenty of holiday gift ideas for everyone!!!

Categories: family, The Ghouls Collection, tiles

HAPPY HALLOWEEN… with one of the largest displays of The Ghouls Collection! So much fun to see them all lined up in front of a custom tile surround that I made for my sister & family!

Categories: collaborations, mosaic, stamped, textures, tiles

Looks like Kristin Conneely has been busy working her “mosaic magic” in her studio… still working on some collaboration pieces for ART IN THE GARDEN. It’s always so cool to see how different artists re-imagine things you’ve made for years… giving them a breath of fresh air!!! Can’t wait to see the finished pieces… September 9th & 10th in Glenview!

For more info…

Categories: soda-fired, stamped, textures, tiles

I posted pictures of these tiles a couple days ago… but from the backside as I was stitching them together with copper wire. The pictures got a good amount of lovin’ as the backsides have some great soda flashing marks! But I’m hoping that people like the front side as much or more! I love how the textured tiles came together kinda like a cathedral window quilt. This one-of-a-kind wall piece will also be at “4×4 : FOUR MAKERS”… and there’s just one… so it might go fast?!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, My Talented Friends, tiles

Enough of the teasers… here’s a quick look of the big collaboration project we’ve all been working on! The “4×4 : FOUR MAKERS” have been busy “making”… four tiles each for the four seasons! So sixteen tiles total in one large installation… but first we need to get it up on the wall?! The show opens at 2:00pm today, so we gotta get going quick!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, soda-fired, tiles

Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall.

And here are the same tiles after soda-firing… framed & ready to be hung on the gallery wall. A fun collaboration challenge for each of us… making thematic tiles using our usual medium & techniques. So some are metal, some are glass, and mine are clay! We’ll have sixteen tiles in the collaboration wall installation. We’re pretty excited to see how it’s coming together… and we hope you can come see it in person this weekend in Evanston!

Categories: soda-fired, stamped, textures, tiles

Getting ready for this weekend’s “4×4” gallery show… so today there’s a good bit of glue & epoxy drying all around!!! Currently working on this large ClayQuilt with over 200 textured & soda-fired tiles!

Categories: holiday, soda-fired, tiles

For those of you who have never been to my condo…
a quick glimpse inside while celebrating NATIONAL TILE DAY with a few shots of a tiled wall I made several years ago! All handmade, textured & soda-fired tiles filling the wall from floor to ceiling… from bedroom to bathroom.