Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, friends, gallery, process, production

Looks like my talented friend & master metalsmith Sarah Chapman is still working on her collaboration pieces for our “4×4 : FOUR MAKERS” gallery show next weekend in Evanston. I can’t wait to see Sarah’s, Darlys’s & Robin’s pieces when they all come together. Fingers crossed… I’m still working on mine too!!!

Categories: art fair, gallery, lillstreet, pottery

While everyone was quarantined during this corona-craziness, Lillstreet Art Center created a page on their website to help some of their artists during the tough times. Knowing that many of us were facing cancelled art fairs, loss of teaching gigs and no workshops… they created MADE AT LILLSTREET. An online gallery featuring several of their “in-house” artists, teachers & studio members. Please feel free to click on this link to see my current offerings through the Lillstreet Gallery.

Categories: art fair, gallery, pottery

With one full day of NCECA behind me… Sarah and I started out our Gallery Tour Day at The Nevica Project Pop-Up Gallery. It was funny that the very first pieces I saw as awe walked into the space was this beautiful trio by my pottery-friend Mike Stumbras. Love his technique, glazes & surface decoration.

At The Norway House Gallery, they had a nice little show of work…
but it was really these large wall pieces by Ben Bates that caught my attention!

Among all of the many gallery spaces we stopped off at, was this space filled with pots made by the potters who put on the St. Croix Valley Pottery Tour. Sarah and I go to the tour every year… so it was fun to see their work again in a slightly different format!

At one point, we saw there was a gallery listed on the NCECA gallery tour list that featured pottery with a bicycle theme!!! What?!!! So of course we just HAD to go to that one. Turns out it was located inside a actual bike shop right off the side of the Greenway Bike Route. Here’s a cup I picked up while were there… a simple yellow cup with a spare inner tube wrap by Kate Fisher!!!

At Lakes & Legends, we arrived and saw a entire glass window FULL of cups & mugs!!! Turn the corner, and there was another one too! Yep, two full windows FULL of wonderful pottery!!! So much fun seeing so much pottery all in one place.

It was a beautiful day in Minneapolis… and a beautiful day FULL of pottery! Too many stops, locations & galleries to show them all. In hindsight, I wish I would have done a better job capturing images from every stop along our way! Sarah and I had an amazing day of touring the NCECA Galleries!




Categories: artists, gallery, lillstreet, My Talented Friends

Okay, so here’s the explanation… and a great show in the Lillstreet Gallery Annex by my friend & metalsmith Kelly Novak. Her pieces are incredibly stark, sharp and surprisingly perfect for my week on the B&W Photo Challenge! Lots of metal, black leather and incredible shadows on the walls. And that’s why today I challenge her!!! “INTERVALS” by Kelly Novak through the end of the year.

Categories: artists, gallery

Don’t you just love getting free stuff in the mail?!
Especially when it’s a poster of great pottery pieces…
and yours just happens to be placed next to your buddy Steven Hill’s glazed teabowl.

Well, I’m extremely honored to have been chosen to have a teabowl in this year’s TEABOWL NATIONAL gallery show at the Bredin-Lee Gallery in Kansas City, Missouri. The TEABOWL NATIONAL 2017 show opens tomorrow with an Opening Reception from 5:00-9:00pm. You can also check-out the show to see all of the other teabowls online… click here to see all of the teabowls chosen by Juror Chandra Debuse.







Categories: gallery, vases

I must admit it’s pretty exciting when you find your stamped vase
has been “red dotted” in the Lillstreet Gallery Annex show! Yeah me!!!

Categories: artists, flowers, gallery, lillstreet, vases

Last night was the Lillstreet Gallery Annex Opening Reception for a vase show featuring the ceramics faculty. So many great vases with different styles & techniques showcasing the teachers at Lillstreet Art Center.

FLOURISH : Lillstreet Ceramics Faculty Showcase
Lillstreet Gallery Annex : March 3 – April 9, 2017

Catherine Tweedie & Lisa Harris

Sharon Hartshorne

Les Orenstein & David Bromley

Sam Hostert

David Todd Trost & Nolan Baumgartner

Corinne D. Peterson & Kyle Johns

Mary Drabik & Susan Messer-McBride

Robin Power

Chris Chaney & Catherine Schwalbe

David Hartshorne

And my blue stamped vase…
next to a vase by Jason Lawfer with some VERY dramatic greenery…

Special thanks to Brian who coordinated this gallery show and furnished the flowers…
and even MORE flowers at the very last minute!!! The show looks great Brian!
Thanks for showcasing the Lillstreet ceramic instructors!!!

Okay, back to me… one more shot of my stamped & soda-fired blue vase…
finished off with some very last minute flowers from Brian – Thanks!

March 3 – April 9, 2017





Categories: gallery, mugs

Just snagged these two great mugs from “Cup : The Intimate Object” online sale at the Charlie Cummings Gallery. So excited to add mugs by Hedy Yang and Todd Volz to my Mug Collection!!!

Click here to go to the Charlie Cummings for the online gallery & sale.

Hedy Yang… with some wonderful bubble glazing… much cooler than our attempt in class!

Todd Volz…

I tried to get a “Lost Age Mug” by Mike Stumbras too, but they all sold out too fast!!!
Not to mention the really cool “Space Relic Mugs” by Mike Cinelli. Maybe next time…

Mike Stumbras…

Mike Cinelli…



Categories: artists, friends, gallery, My Talented Friends, porcelain, pottery

Huge congratulations to one of my favorite teachers ever!!! Steven Young Lee and his new gallery show at the Renwick Gallery in Washington DC. Amazing pots. Fantastic artist. Incredible teacher. Thank you Steven for sharing your art, knowledge & passion with the rest of us!




Categories: gallery, mugs

Wanna see a LOT of great mugs, cups & teabowls?
Check out the online Charlie Cummings Gallery and their new show that just went live today. Over a thousand really cool pieces to look at in “Cup: The Intimate Object XI”. Whether you’re being inspired… or simply drooling over the cups… you might just click “BUY” and become the owner of some really cool artwork.

I “may” have done that three times…  allegedly.