Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bowls, kiln firing, mugs, ornaments, porcelain, production

A quick layer loaded into a bisque kiln.
Rapid replenishment for my Second Holiday Home Show on Saturday, December 12th.

Thrown & stamped Saturday… Trimmed & handled Sunday… Drying & into a kiln Monday.

Categories: bowls, mugs, porcelain, production, stamped

The latest batch of porcelain mugs… trimmed & handled yesterday. A few small bowls too!
Drying today. Anxious for the kiln.

Categories: bike, sunrise

A chilly & cloudy Sunday morning with nice colors… and even better reflections!!!

Further down thew road, the clouds moved in. Making the morning seem even colder… with less chance for the beautiful sunrise I was hoping for.

With such dense cloud-cover, the sun continued to “try” to make an appearance.

But then, just a quick as it blew in, the clouds blew out a bit. Leaving some patches of clear sky.

And with those patches of clear sky came some incredible contrasts & reflections over the Lake… err, well… actually this is a reflection over a large flooded portion of the beach. But at this point, it might as well be the Lake, right?

As the morning co tinued, the clouded drama kept getting better & better. Love the sweeping white “angular” clouds with the dark puffy one floating in front. Let alone the wonderful reflections in the water. Mesmerizing.

And then the clouds took over again… and back to that chilly feeling.

Categories: porcelain, production, stamped

Not a bad evening in the studio. Some quick porcelain cups thrown & stamped.
I’m hoping to trim and add some handles tomorrow!!!

Categories: clay, porcelain

A pile of porcelain potential. Just throwing a quick batch to replenish a bit for the
Second Holiday Home Show on Saturday, December 12th.
Mark your calendars… and bring your friends!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, inspiration

‘Tis the season... to support the local artists, your neighborhood businesses and other small stores who are part of your local community. Shop direct with the maker. Make their holiday more successful, and your holiday gifts more meaningful. Those “big box stores” won’t be selling wonderful one-of-a-kind, handmade products. Your local artists & craftsmen will be.

We appreciate your business. We appreciate your support. Thank you.

Categories: food, holiday

Hope everyone had a great feast today… both culinary & visual.
And maybe a little homemade cheesecake along the way.

Categories: holiday

It’s been a wonderful year filled with a lot of both good & bad. But I’m very thankful that
we’ve all made it through and can take today to look back, reflect and cherish all that we have.
And a very special Thank You to all of my loyal followers & fans out there.
You’re the BEST!!!

Thank You… Thank You… Thank You.

Categories: photography, sunrise
Categories: sunrise

Another stunning sunrise over the Lake. Wide-spread cloud cover for wonderful color play. Followed by puffs of white clouds sweeping the blue sky.