Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bowls, sgraffito, surface decoration, tools

Just doing a little more detailing on one of last week’s class demo bowls. We started with an ombre’ slip gradation from black to white slip in class. Then I did a little stamping along the rim. Followed by some carving through the slip using one of my favorite DiamondCore Tools for crisp, clean lines.

Categories: classes, platters, sgraffito

My final class demo for my SURFACE DECORATION class last Thursday was a fun & colorful floral pattern. I used black, red & green slip… and let it dry to a stiffer leatherheard surface. And then started carving through the layers with my DiamondCore Tools. It was a fun platter to work on… my first time doing a multi-colored sgraffito piece. I’m pretty pleased with this new direction… although I feel it still needs some more detailing & clean-up. I might just need to make more of these…

Categories: classes, sgraffito, tools

My students had a great time with their sgraffito projects last Thursday night. They all realized that the hardest part is making the very first mark carving through the colored slip. It’s like looking at a blank canvas & freaking out just a little about how & where to start. But once they started carving with my DiamondCore Tools … they found out how much fun it was… and how tough it is to stop!!!

Categories: classes, platters, sgraffito, tools

After the sgraffito bowl, I went for a more geometric treatment of a larger dinner plate… carving through the band of black slip to reveal a pattern of the lighter clay body. Just trying to show my students that there are different styles… and that not all sgraffito needs to be so illustrative. Again, carving clean lines & smooth curves with my DiamondCore Tools.

Categories: bowls, classes, sgraffito, tools

This week in my SURFACE DECORATION class, it was Sgraffito Night! I had suggested that they all bring some leatherhard pieces to carve through. I did a couple demo pieces & my students did their own thing too!!! So much better with good carving tools from DiamondCore Tools! My first demo piece was this small bowl with an ombre’ blend of white & black slips.

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, porcelain, sgraffito, surface decoration

Another huge THANK YOU to all of our loyal customers who came out to our grassroots ART IN THE GARDEN last weekend. Especially those who got there and snatched up some of our one-of-a-kind collaboration projects! Like these black & white sgraffito platters… where I made the porcelain pieces & metalsmith Amy Taylor did the sgraffito doodles. I think they turned out great.. and they all disappeared very quickly!!! So thanks again for supporting your favorite artists!

Categories: collaborations, food, sgraffito

What’s black & white… and red all over?
Thanks George for sharing your fresh tomatoes in one of our porcelain sgraffito collaboration pieces from ART IN THE GARDEN! The colorful tomatoes totally “pop” on the black & white dish!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, platters, porcelain, sgraffito, surface decoration

One more reminder… in case you’ve missed any of my previous posts?… ART IN THE GARDEN is this weekend!!! Saturday & Sunday from 10:00am-5:00pm in Glenview. These sgraffito platters are just a couple of the collaboration projects you’ll find at the show. Amy Taylor & I have been working on these sgraffito pieces… but most of the other artists have been collaborating with each other as well. So there will be a LOT of one-of-a-kind collaborations you won’t find anywhere else! We’ve been having a great time working together on these pieces. We hope you come see the, in person!

For more details –

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, porcelain, sgraffito

Just a bit more of a “teaser”… a bit more of the sgraffito platters that Amy Taylor & I have been working on as our collaboration project for ART IN THE GARDEN. We’ll have a limited number of platters, shallow bowls & more with her whimsical illustrations hand-carved through black underglaze to reveal the white porcelain.

Mark your calendars… September 9th & 10th in Glenview!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, platters, porcelain, sgraffito

Just a little sneak peek at some of the “characters” who will be showing up at ART IN THE GARDEN next weekend! Metalsmith Amy Taylor has been working on a few of my porcelain platters doing some adorable sgraffito carvings as part of our collaboration project. She’s created a whole menagerie to share with us at ART IN THE GARDENcan’t wait to show them off in-person!

More info –