Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: cirque du soleil, vacation

Another sunny day in Las Vegas… where else should I be but by the pool?!
So I’m playing in the pool, resting on my chaise, soaking up the rays…
and looking at the banner on the top of my hotel! Love it…



Later that night, we went out for a wonderful sushi dinner… where one of
my dishes was very thinly sliced beef that I actually cooked on a hot rock!!!
Then we all went to see Cirque du Soleil’s “LOVE.” We had purchased our
tickets and advance and I had been anticipating this night for a LONG time!



It was an incredible show – I loved it!!!
The entrance to the show itself is pretty darn impressive!!!
In fact, it is definitely my favorite Cirque du Soleil show in Las Vegas!!!
With a soundtrack that everyone knows & loves – and the visuals that
Cirque du Soleil adds to the evening… it was a magical mystery tour!






Categories: vacation

After working “constantly” during the past two weeks, it was finally time
to get away from the hustle & bustle of the Vegas Strip for a quick road trip
to the Hoover Dam. It’s a nice drive through the desert, past Lake Mead
and along the Colorado River. Today I was in BOTH Nevada and Arizona!!!


I’ve been there before… and it’s still just a big slab of cement!
Still a modern marvel of technology. Still impressive. Still huge.



The coolest part this time was the fact that they are currently building
a new highway to cross the Colorado River – most likely to lessen the
traffic on top of Hoover Dam. It was pretty cool to see the large bridge
spanning across the river and not quite finished!!!


Back in Vegas, it was an afternoon by the pool… followed by a night in Venice!
Yes… Venice. Or at least something very similar as only Vegas can do!!!
Dinner at a great Italian restaurant celebrating the big job being done!




And a sign of things to come…
tomorrow night – and I can’t wait!!!


Categories: cirque du soleil

I’ve been on the road working for the past couple weeks… traveling from
Chicago to Grand Rapids to Las Vegas. It’s been a long journey…
But now I have a night free… a chance to play…  and what better way to spend
my evening than to go to see Cirque du Soleil’s “KA” ?!!!... finally!







The show is spectacular. Awe inspiring. Visually brilliant. Incredible!!!!
Just when you think you’ve seen everything that Cirque du Soleil can offer…
they turn it all on it’s side! Literally!!! Not only are the costumes, the songs,
the acts and everything else brilliant – then they create a set which works wonders!
It floats, it revolves, it moves back & forth… then turns on it’s side!!! Literally.
It’s one of those events that you sit there immersed in the entire evening,
soaking in the entire experience, watching everything… and yet STILL you have
no idea how they did it!!! I’m just glad that they did…

Categories: art fair

It’s the first “online-only-web-offer” to kick-off this summer’s art fair season!
Remember, this coupon is only redeemable at the Schaumburg Prairie Fine Arts Festival.
Think of it as your pottery purchase stimulus package!
And a chance to thank my loyal Blog readers!

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Just copy the image to your desktop – then print it out!
Fill in the information and save some cash at the Schaumburg Art Fair!
It’s just that simple.

And then check back again during the week before the Hinsdale Art Fair.
Another summer art fair, another online offer!
It’s just that simple… again!

Categories: art fair, blogs

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The pots are being fired… the new business cards just arrived…
and the white tent is being dusted off to kick off the new season.
It’s time to start getting ready for this summer’s tour of art fairs!!!
Starting next weekend…

Schaumburg Prairie Arts Festival
Saturday, May 23rd & Sunday, May 24th – Memorial Day Weekend
Robert O. Atcher Municipal Center, 201 Schaumburg Court in Schaumburg

Hinsdale Fine Arts Festival
Saturday, June 13th & Sunday, June 14th
Burlington Park on Chicago Avenue between Washington
& Garfield Streets in Hinsdale

Evanston Lakeshore Fine Arts Festival
Saturday, August 1st & Sunday, August 2nd
At the southeast end of Dawes Park on Sheridan Road at Church Street
along Lake Michigan in Evanston

Art In The Barn: Barrington
Saturday, September 26th & Sunday, September 27th
On the grounds (and in the barns) of Good Shepherd Hospital on Route 22 in Barrington

And new this summer – “online-only-web-offers” for my faithful Blog Readers!!!
Check back sometime during the week before each art fair to receive a special offer
valid only at each of the summer art fairs! A different offer for each fair!
Information & coupons to come…

Categories: blogs

Road sign for speed limit

It seems like I just started this blog a few short months ago…
much due to the suggestion & urging of my friend & fellow potter Emily Murphy.
She has been blogging for years – and thought it was past time for me to jump on
the blogging bandwagon. So now I’m in… and posting away.

At first I thought it would be a hassle. Nothing to say. Nothing to share.
What was I going to talk about that would make it worthwhile & interesting?
It has kind of become my own personal ramblings on my life as an artist.
What I like. What I see. What I make… and anything else I think is fun.
It’s been a great chance to share my life as a potter, a designer, a photographer…
and an avid bicyclist!

With one hundred posts now under my belt…
I hope you’ve been reading along – and enjoying them as my journey continues!

Categories: pottery, process, production, studio

Another productive evening at the studio… with bowls & cylinders
that have been thrown, stamped and dried to a damp leather-hard,
it was time to trim the bottoms of the pots to make a finished, professional foot.
It’s actually one of my favorite parts of the production process!


And look what a pile of fun it leaves behind… ready to be dried up,
crushed and then re-hydrated and reclaimed into usable clay!
My own little recycling program!

Categories: artists, friends, lillstreet, My Talented Friends

Tonight was the opening of my friend Sarah Chapman‘s Trunk Show
at Lillstreet Art Center. It was a fun night to chat with friends and see some
of Sarah’s latest metal creations! I just love her work… the textures, the movement,
the different metals, the inclusions of beads, shells, rocks & m0re!
Can’t wait to add to my collection!


Her work will be on exhibit in the Lillstreet Gallery through the month of May.
Check out her website for details:
Or Lillstreet Art Center’s website:

Categories: inspiration, nature, photography, stamps, sunrise

This morning’s sunrise was simply spectacular.

There’s no better way to start your day…
than playing along the lakefront, enjoying the quiet serenity of morning…
and watching the beauty of nature’s morning announcement greet the day!
It’s amazing what a difference five minutes can make!



Categories: pottery, process, stamps, textures

Okay… so “My Favorite Stamp” is of course first out of the box…
but there’s a very close “Runner-Up.” I hate to play favorites!
It’s a little larger. A little rounder. A little smoother… suitable for many surfaces.
And has a tendency to show up every time I start stamping a batch of pots!



One thing that I especially like about both stamps, is that they both leave a
“raised section” in the which is perfect for highlighting with a little contrasting slip!