Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: challenge, soda-fired, stamped

Well, here it is… stamped & soda-fired… and my September “entry” in the MONTHLY CHAIN CHALLENGE! I’ve been working on it for awhile now, and I’ve been waiting to share it here. I think the original intention of the challenge was for metalsmiths to show-off their handmade metal chains… but you can make CLAY chains too! And I did… so there!!! HA!!!

#2021chainchallenge – #handmadechain – #chainlinks2021

Categories: challenge, process, production, stamped

After bisque firing my chain, I started adding some inlaid glazes into the stamped details. After soda-firing, the chain should be toasty & shiny with some stamped textures & patterns!

#2021chainchallenge – #handmadechain – #chainlinks2021

Categories: challenge, process, production, stamped

Soon enough the extruded coils started becoming a large chain… complete with some stamped details on every other link & some colored flashing slip accents to boot!

#2021chainchallenge – #handmadechain – #chainlinks2021

Categories: clay, process, production

Well, we’ve finally made it to the end of the month… and I can’t believe tomorrow is already October!!! How did THAT happen??? Anyway, the end of the month also means another CHAIN for the Monthly Chain Challenge! I started awhile back… with this little pile of extruded fun!!!

Categories: art fair, The Ghouls Collection

Another cute moment during ART IN THE BARN was when this little guy found the Werewolf Ghouls on the bottom shelf… he was mesmerized… and carried on trying to convince his Mom that he really “needed” one of them for his room! Well played Levi… I hope you’re enjoying your new Ghoul!!!

Categories: friends, The Ghouls Collection

And don’t think the Red Devil Hats were just for the kids… but also the “Kid-at-Hearts”!!! I mean… who doesn’t want to look just like their new favorite Ghoul in the collection?!

Categories: food, friends, The Ghouls Collection

So while I was unloading the kiln last Friday with my new Little Red Devils, one of my studio mates said she had a bunch of red devil hats in her studio for no apparent reason. Someone had just dropped them off hoping she could do something with them… and she offered them to me! Crazy coincidence, huh?

So of course I took them… and gave them away with some of the Little Red Devils during ART IN THE BARN last weekend. Too funny!!! But I’m not sure if little Teagan is more into the Red Devils, or the caramel apple lollipop?! She’s still ADORABLE either way!

Categories: bike, sunrise

I had a very colorful morning today. The clouds continued to change as the miles continued to pass. Breezy clouds wisping across the sky, with a few contrails mixed in for good measure!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Yesterday morning we had some crazy-cool crashing waves breaking all over the lakefront. Windy, loud & misty from the crashing waves. So much fun riding… as well as stopping to “capture” some of the crashing waves! Timing is everything… timing to get the photo, and timing to NOT get caught in the splash!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

We started the morning with some simple clouds, but they quickly blew away! Leaving behind a lot of clear skies & brilliant sunshine!

But yesterday…