Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, sunrise

Another dark morning. Another foreboding cloud on the horizon.
Just a sliver of color below one REALLY big cloud!!!

But this time morning was a little bit different… as there were waves splashing all around.

And if the waves are crashing in like this up at Foster Beach, I could only imagine what the waves must be doing down at Belmont Harbor where they are typically even stronger. So I pedaled fast to get there before the sun got up too high.

And yes… the waves were even better… and the sun was getting ready to pop through…

Once the sun came up, it got “caught” in the waves and really made them pop… sometimes even changing the color of the water… nothing better than ORANGE WAVES!!!

Then, as the sun got up even higher, the orangeness in the sunrise dissipated, as did the orange waves! Luckily, everything took on a beautiful golden glow as the waves continued to crash & splash in all around me. Bike?… not getting much in today as it was more fun trying to catch the waves with my camera. I can pedal again tomorrow… but these waves may not be here again for awhile.

I wish you could hear these… and feel the fine mist as it sprayed over me…
carefully covering my camera after every wave.

And one final splash for the road… FANTASTIC!!!

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