Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, pottery

Well, it’s six-o’clock and my Holiday Home Show has officially come to an end.
A lot of pots in clay box “shopping carts” went home with a lot of happy shoppers!
Thanks again to everyone who made it out this weekend to kick-off holiday shopping
season! And if you didn’t make it… don’t worry. There’s a “really good chance” that
there “may” be another chance somewhere around Saturday, December 8th.
More details to come… and thanks again!

Categories: art fair, holiday

Here’s a quick “sneak peek” of my Holiday Home Show to help whet your appetite.
So get up, get out of those pajamas and come over for Day Two of my Holiday Home Show.

The shelves have been restocked & replenished, so there’s plenty of pottery for everyone
on your holiday list. Don’t think “all of the good stuff is gone” because we’ve still got plenty
of pieces for everyone! As well as snacks in the kitchen… thanks to Mom!

Plus some “ClayQuilts” leaning against my own tiled wall.
Kinda like taking a piece of my wall home to hang on your own wall. Kinda…

Plus plenty of bargains in the “Tired Of Shlepping Sale” on my back porch!!!
Things have been marked down – just look for the red dots and find some great savings!!!

Categories: art fair, mugs, pottery

Still setting up for this weekend’s Holiday Home Show…
and I just surpassed 100 MUGS!!! Whoo-hoo! Plenty of mugs for everyone!

Categories: art fair, pottery

This weekend is my big Holiday Home Show. And I’m setting up all day today.
While unpacking crates I found this bowl that apparently didn’t “survive” the trip
home from the Art Detour Northwoods?! At least it’s good to know that my wall
thickness is pretty darn consistent!!!

And it’s also good to know that there are a LOT more crates and a LOT more bowls
to unpack. Plenty of great pieces in every room of my place!!!


Categories: art fair

Lots of pots in every room of my place! Just in time to kick-off your holiday shopping!

If you’d like to stop by, just shoot me a quick e-mail for my home address…
which for some reason I still feel weird about posting on the web. So I don’t.
Although I know you can pretty much Google anything… so maybe it doesn’t matter?!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Another beautiful start to another beautiful day.


Categories: glaze, pottery, stamps

It’s always fun to go through all of your work down in the storage room. And to see everything
one more time before it goes upstairs to the Home Show. This large stamped bowl caught my
eye. Mainly because I know that the glaze is “supposed” to be a beautiful red color. Not blue.
But it’s one of those glazes that can be easily affected by the kiln firing. If there’s a little too
much oxidation in the kiln, the red glaze turns this beautiful blue-ish color.

Sadly, nothing you can ever bank on happening ever again.
Just another “happy accident” coming out of the kiln!

Categories: nature, photography, sunrise
Categories: bike, sunrise

Apparently layers make all the difference.
The sunrise was nicely layered… and so was I.

With a few added layers this morning, I was toasty warm and ready to tackle the brisk
morning air… in comfort.

Categories: classes, lillstreet

Tonight was the last night of my beginning wheel class for Fall at Lillstreet Art Center.
It’s always so great to how far they’ve all come in just ten short weeks. We did a Bowl
Exchange and shared a Potluck. I made a pumpkin marble cheesecake… and gone!!!