Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, pottery, stamps

Special thanks to everyone who came out to the Evanston Lakeshore Arts Festival this weekend. It was so much fun seeing so many friends, familiar faces & loyal customers in my booth… as well as those new fans who played with me & my pottery! Thanks for making this weekend so much fun!!!

Categories: art fair, pottery, stamps

“Officially” we open at 11:00am… but I’m all set up at the Evanston Lakeshore Arts Festival an hour ealry. C’mon by for an early sneak peek!!! Booth #42 with a great view of the lake!!!

Speaking of beautiful views… here’s the backyard with clear skies and a wonderful breeze. Perfect.

Categories: bowls, pottery, process, production, stamps

Last night I stamped some more larger, serving bowls. I always love to see the transformation from the “plain” round bowl to the stamped & textured finished bowl. It always surprises me when I see how much of a change can be made with just a couple stamps!!!

Bowl #1 –

Bowl #2 –

Bowl #3 –

Bowl #4 –

Bowl #5 –

So now they’re wrapped up loosely for the night… hoping to dry them up to a good leather-hard state so I can do some trimming on the bottoms.


Categories: mugs, process, production, stamps

Last night I attached all of the handles to my mugs. Then the spent the night under plastic to help the moisture levels even out… and allow me a little more time to add some colored slip accents. Today, after a full day of Summer Camp, I stayed and worked in the studio to finish off all forty mugs. So here’s a basic mug fresh from the plastic… and waiting for a little pop of color!

I start out by choosing the colored flashing slip that I want. In this case, the light slip color will change to orange when & where the soda flames hit it in the soda kiln. First I attack the stamps, by adding a little patch of color on the raised portion of each & every stamp.

When the stamps are done, I then work on the top “smooth” portion of the mug… using the same “smooth orange” slip for color continuity on the mug.

So here it is… finished off with some colored slip accents.

And now they can be left out to the air to dry overnight. The production portion of the mugs are done. Keep in mind, there’s still a LOT of work ahead of them. They still need to be bisque fired, glazed and soda fired. They are by no means done… just done for the night!

Categories: bowls, process, stamps

This past Tuesday night, I did a demo on making larger bowls. Remember, last week I introduced making “bowls on purpose” instead of a cylinder gone bad. This week we went a little further. And I showed them how to make a larger bowl… with a larger piece of clay! When I took my demo bowl upstairs to store it in my studio, it was still too wet to stamp. So I let it sit under plastic overnight so I could finish off the bowl with a little stamping!!!

Here’s the bowl after the first round of stamping.  Just a single row of stamping around the rim can make a HUGE difference. Suddenly, it’s no longer just a plain round bowl.

Next, I took the rounded end of my large loop trimming tool and did a little decorative curving of the edge. Lining up the curves in between each of the stamps.

And if one line of stamps is good… wouldn’t two rows be even better?! So I added another of stamps with a smaller “detailing” stamp just for fun. And sadly, you can’t see it, but I added another row around on the outside of the bowl too!

So here’s the “finished” bowl after stamping. Now it still needs to dry slowly to leather-hard so I can trim it. Then the usual… trimming, drying, bisque firing, glazing & final glaze firing!

Categories: mugs, stamps

Tonight I knew I had to get a “handle” on things…
So many trimmed cylinders in my studio that needed handles attached.
It’s not going to be a MUG if it doesn’t have a handle!

So I hunkered down and started pulling handles & attaching handles.
Score… score… slip… attach… smooth… curve… set aside… repeat.
40 Cylinders + 40 handles = 40 Mugs!!!

Now that I have 40 mugs in this latest batch, they’re going to stay under wraps overnight so the moisture level can balance out a bit. Plus, I still need to keep them leather-hard enough that I still can add colored slip accents tomorrow evening!


Categories: mugs, process, production, stamps

Last night I threw cylinders. Forty of them out of my newly reclaimed clay.
Today I was prepared to stamp them all after Summer Camp. So first I had to pick out a few stamps… and yes, I have more than “a few” to choose from. In fact, I have five tool boxes just like this one!!! Can you say addiction?!

Then I set to it… stamping each cylinder one by one, cylinder by cylinder, stamp by stamp, impression by impression. Sure, some of them were a little on the wet side of leather-hard. But I’m kind of finding that I can “play with them more” when they’re just past that edge of squishy!

A little close-up of a cylinder in mid-stamping. With each and every impression, I make sure to support the clay from the inside as I press the stamp into the cylinder – so as to not warp or squish the cylinder.

One by one. Mug by mug. And soon enough… all forty were stamped! So I wrapped them up for the night… and I hope to trim them all tomorrow after a full day of summer campers!!! And then if all goes well, I might be able to start adding handles & slip decoration by Wednesday night?!


Categories: bowls, classes, production, stamps

That time of the session again… Last night was the night we tackle making “bowls on purpose” instead of cylinders gone bad that just happened to turn into a bowl. It’s my favorite class to teach of the whole session. Not only is it fun to see the light bulb go off when they realize that they can do it too… but also when they see how much FUN they can have moving their clay around.

So I started with a full bag of clay… cut it up into 13 pieces and started wedging. We then sat down for the bowl making demo. Once we had covered the basics on bowls, they all went back to work while I made twelve more bowls. When I was done throwing all thirteen, I called them back and we went through some quick tricks to make each of the “identical” bowls each a one-of-a-kind piece of pottery!

Bowl #1 – Two simple fluted edges.
A quick flick of the fingers can change the whole profile of a simple round bowl.
Two fingers side-by-side. one inside, one outside. Pinch. Twist. Repeat.

Bowl #2 – If two are good, eight fluted edges might be even better?!

Bowl #3 – No need to leave bowls round, right?!
So I showed my class quickly how to alter the shape a bit. A little pull here, a little tug there, and suddenly the bowl is slightly squared-off. And then I indented the four “straight” sides. I’m kinda thinking that there may be a handle added to this one at some point?!

Bowl #4 – A simple flange flared out along the top rim.
Unfortunately, somehow I missed taking a “Before” picture of this plain bowl. But I’m sure it comes as no surprise that “any” plain bowl needs to be decorated. Last night I threw the bowl, and tonight I added a stamped line around the bowl where the flange meets the bowl interior. So here’s the “After” picture…

Bowl #5 – The same simple flange, but now fluted in four places!
Combine a simple flared flange with four fluted edges. Which then presents itself with a great line waiting to be stamped. So last night I threw the bowl, and tonight I did some stamping.

Bowl #6 – Another simple flange, this time further down & wider! More room to play later…
Again, last night I threw the bowl, then tonight I did a little stamping & white slip decorating for contrasting accents. This time, a little more whimsically stamped… not quite so geometrically repetitive.

Bowl #7 – A quick flower made with a simple dragon-scale tool. Twelve impressions. One flower.

Bowl #8 – A split rim, pinched back together in four places.

Bowl #9 – A simple flange with a quick layer of white slip. I think once this bowl dries & stiffens up a bit, I might do some carving through the white slip to reveal a design and contrast between the slip and then ochre clay body.

Bowl #10 – Simple bowl. Simple slip. Simple spiral. Cover the bowl with a simple layer of white slip, then drag the rounded end of a tool through the slip and upwards as the wheel is spinning. The goal is to reveal the contrast between the slip and the ochre clay body. It’s also a nice bonus that there’s some thickness to the remaining slip to add some texture & pooling-possibilities for the glaze.

Bowl #11 – If a spiral is good, a squiggle might be better?!
And then, as I was carrying all of my demo bowls upstairs, this one bowl bumped into one of the racks in the hallway – denting in one side. It would never be “perfectly” round again, so I did a little creative camouflage… and squared it up!

Bowl #12 – White slip with some rhythmic chattering. I cover the entire inside of the bowl with some white slip, and then take my green rounded rib and tap it through the slip as the bowl is spinning. While it spins, and you’re tapping, you also need to move up the bowl all at the same time! The final result is a combination of all three movements & speed of each.

Bowl #13 – White slip over some newspaper cut-out stencils. I just cut the numbers out of a newspaper, wet the paper and stick them onto the inside of the bowl. Then carefully paint white slip over the letters to make sure they are stuck down well. Then it’s a quick coverage over the whole bowl. The tough part is peeling out the newspaper stencils after the slip sets up a bit.

So there they are… all thirteen bowls. All made from one bag of stoneware with ochre clay. I chose the ochre clay as it fires to a beautiful chocolate brown in cone 10 reduction… which also makes for a really beautiful contrast to the white slip.

Hopefully, my students enjoyed the demo. Not only to I hope they learned how to make bowls “on purpose”… but also to get over the beginner’s feeling that each piece is SO precious. They need to play with their clay and be willing to make a few mistakes along the way. It’s just clay. It’s nothing too precious. And they need to build up some confidence and start making some bowls that express themselves. Not just the basic round bowl that the wheel kinda made for them!


Categories: bowls, nature, stamps

My cousin Kim grew her own strawberries this year in her garden…
and then made then even yummier by putting them in one of my bowls!

Categories: classes, creativity, stamps

One of my returning students came in this session and said she wanted to focus on words & typography. She ended up with this great trick of using letter pasta! She presses the pasta into the moist clay. And burns them out in the bisque firing to literally put her voice into her pots… or in this case, Kenny’s voice!!!

Ya’ gotta love the organization… wioth the perfect containers in the perfect box. And then each containers holding letters that are pre-separated. I would expect nothing less form a good Montessori School teacher.

And here’s her mug… ready for any “Gambler” in the family!