Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: travel

And we’ve landed in a foreign land…
after a nearly eight-hour flight which made for a really great nap!!!


Categories: Chicago, sunset

Pretty fun to see the edge of Lake Michigan where it meets the City…
I’ve seen it SO many times from the ground on my bike, but not very often
from this perspective! Albeit a bit of a slushy looking perspective?!

Categories: sunset, weather

It kind of amazes me every time how the “weather” appears to change so drastically
when you finally get up above the clouds! Gray & gloomy below…
and a beautiful sunset happening up above!!!

Now just a few more hours of flying in night time darkness!


Categories: Chicago, travel

Finally flying over Chicago with a cold chill & snow all around.
Not quite sure what weather we’ll find on the other end?!

Categories: sunset, travel

On the tarmac with fair skies and beautiful clouds. Looks like we might have a great flight.

Categories: creativity, travel

Another beautiful art installation at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport. A whole “wall” of windows with these great black papercut pictures representing Chicago landmarks. Always good to have something to admire while waiting for your flight.

And of course my favorite one…

Categories: travel

Every time I travel through this beautiful tunnel hallway experience,
I get a happy feeling knowing I’m on my way to another great adventure…
so long Chicago, be back soon!!!


* Okay, so I’m home already… and feel it’s okay to now post photos!

Categories: glaze, platters, stamped

A little bit of sunlight to help accentuate the stamps & colors of this shallow bowl?…
platter?… bowl?… bowl-platter?… bowlatter?!!!


Categories: platters, porcelain, sgraffito

After a bit more trimming, and a lot more spiraling curls, I finally finished another sgraffito platter… nice & clean with my DiamondCore Tools!!! These new sgraffito pieces got a good bit of lovin’ just before the holidays, so I thought maybe I should make some more?!!!

Categories: porcelain, tools

Playing with porcelain, black slip and my favorite V-Tip DiamondCore Tool to make a few more sgraffito platters. Loving how the clay carves away so cleanly with nice crisp lines… and if the clay is just dry enough you get some pretty wonderful spiral curls too!!!