Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, nature

Some flowering red plum trees in the late afternoon sun… kinda protected in a courtyard as most others are done flowering already.

Categories: flowers, nature

Some beautiful spring flowers that survived last night’s sudden storm!

Categories: art fair, mugs

Well, this weekend was “supposed to be” the Schaumburg Prairie Arts Festival… which was of course CANCELLED due to all of this corona-craziness! Sadly, no art fairs this weekend! So I’m going online with a new “socially distant” set of mugs from A to Z!!!

So I”m hosting an online sale only on my Fire When Ready Pottery FACEBOOK PAGE! Same as usual… the first person to claim a mug in the Facebook Photo Album by putting “MINE” in the Comments section of each mug photo will get that mug! I’ve also added the “back side” of each mug in the inset photo so you can picture it better as some of them have dramatic flashing effects. I will then follow with a message & shipping details. Each mug is food-safe, dishwasher-safe and $55… which includes packing & shipping with the continuous US.

So start shopping on Facebook… although I know it’s NOT the same as shopping in person at the art fair! I am already missing all of your friendly faces, chatting with everyone & hanging outside with all of my art fair friends!

Hopefully we’ll get to squeeze in one or two actual art fairs a bit later in the summer season?! Until then, stay safe, stay healthy and pretend this is an art fair ONLINE!!! Thanks!

Here’s the selection of mugs… but remember…
you can ONLY claim them on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page!!!

MUG A ———-

MUG B ———-

MUG C ———-

MUG D ———-

MUG E ———-

MUG F ———-

MUG G ———-

MUG H ———-

MUG I ———-

MUG J ———-

MUG K ———-

MUG L ———-

MUG M ———-

MUG N ———-

MUG O ———-

MUG P ———-

MUG Q ———-

MUG R ———-

MUG S ———-

MUG T ———-

MUG U ———-

MUG V ———-

MUG W ———-

MUG X ———-

MUG Y ———-

MUG Z ———-

Categories: art fair, mugs

More MUGS for Memorial Day Weekend… coming soon in a “flash online sale” to a Facebook page near you!!! Details very soon… quite possibly at 10:30am this morning… just sayin’…

Categories: bowls, food

Another berry bowl off in the world living its best life…
full of a bountiful berry harvest!

Thanks to Angela for the photos of her new yellow-glazed berry bowl… as well as possibly the sweetest customer review ever! A bright light during tough times!

Remember, if you “need” to add a handmade berry bowl to your quarantine, there are still a few left in my Online Pottery Shop!!! Click HEREor on the tab in the right hand corner of my blog!

Categories: cirque du soleil

It’s another Friday… another week down…
and another wonderful weekly installment from Cirque du Soleil.

This time they take us “Behind The Curtain” once again.. this time for the show “KURIOS.” One of my favorite shows… love the music and the steampunky vibe! So much fun to see behind-the-scenes footage… from setting up the tent at Chicago’s United Center, costume creation, make-up design & application, meals in the kitchen, physical therapy & training, and the weekly Sunday “kids’ days” for the children of the performers!

Click here to watch the video on Facebook!

Let’s hope we can get back to LIVE performances like this
under Le Grand Chapiteau sometime soon!

Categories: flowers, seasons

Striking foliage, arching green stems and pink “bleeding hearts” are a highlight of every Spring. Too bad they are so fragile & so short-lived.

Categories: flowers, friends, soda-fired, stamped, vases

My friend Tracy was sharing her fragrant Lily-Of-The-Valley blooms with a neighbor for her birthday… and just needed a nice handmade vase to put them in! So glad we could work out a no-contact “delivery”… and a good time to chat & actually see a friend face-to-face for a change!!!

Categories: animals, bike, nature

With the past couple days of rain, and a LOT of rain
it was no surprise that much of the North Branch Bike Trail was FLOODED!!!

But the weather this afternoon was so nice that I couldn’t let a little “closed” sign deter me too much! But a lot of the bike trail and its surrounding areas were flooded… new ponds & streams where they’re not supposed to be! Still a great ride if you know how to work around the floods… and always fun to see the deer hanging out along the way!

Categories: bike, sunrise

After too many days of gloomy skies & heavy rainfall, it felt great to finally get back outside again for my morning sunrise bike ride… and even better to see the sun again!!! Okay, those amazing splashing waves were pretty darn cool too!!!