Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: artists, My Talented Friends, ornaments

While at the McGraw YMCA tonight hanging out with my friends, I did have to do
a little shopping from “My Talented Friend” Cory McCrory. Her textures, her colors and
her wacky sense of whimsy has always amused me. So when I saw this wonderful cup &
saucer – I knew I had to have it. Sure, it will fit right into my mug collection. But this is
the first one that comes with an actual arm as the stirring stick. Which comes in “handy”
when there’s “no poison” to be had!

But the REAL clincher is when you pick up the cup and find that the bottom is a point?!
So there’s no way to set it down anywhere except for the cloud-lined saucer that fits the point.
Too funny. Too clever. I love it.

And while I was there…
I also “had to” add another one of Cory’s handmade ornaments to my collection!

Categories: art fair, artists, My Talented Friends, pottery

On my way to the Lillstreet Holiday Opening Party tonight, I made a quick stop-off
at the Ceramics Showcase in Evanston. While I “should have” been at Lillstreet getting
ready in my studio… instead I was hanging out with my friends and doing a little shopping!

While I am not part of this collection of potters, three of “My Talented Friends” are.
So I stopped by early to see if I could help anyone set up, and they were pretty much all done.
So I got to stand around and chat… and shop! But here they are from left to right…
Cory McCrory, Roberta Polfus & Delores Fortuna.

So if you’ve got time this weekend for some great ceramic work, be sure to stop by
the Evanston McGraw YMCA and say hello to Cory, Roberta & Delores for me!!!

Categories: movie

By now you probably know that I’m a HUGE “Les Miserables” fan… HUGE!!!
I’ve seen it live on stage far too many times. I have several versions of the soundtrack.
Including the French Concept Album and I don’t even speak French. I know, a dork.
I even have two DVD’s each with a different anniversary concert performance.
And yes, I can sing every single word… even the duets! And let me just say,
I sound incredible in my car by myself. So I am more than excited to see that they’ve
made a full-length feature movie of “Les Miserables” coming out on Christmas Day.
Who knows, I might need to ditch my family early to go see a movie?!

Categories: nature, sunset

While going from one job to the next… rushing from one place to another…
trying to fit in everything I had to do… making sure I would get to see my friends
before heading over to Lillstreet for the Holiday Opening Party… it was great
to squeeze in a little bit of quiet time… even if it was just for five minutes!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Two weeks of “making holiday magic” down at Winter WonderFest has really
been cutting into my biking time! We’re starting the days too early in the morning
for me to squeeze in my morning ride… plus, to be quiet honest, I’ve been worn out
& my legs are sore from working on hard concrete floors all day. But today is the last
day to prep for the snowy holiday show, and the weather was beautiful this morning…
so I sucked it up and “forced myself” to get up a but earlier and pedal.
And it felt great to be back on track!

Along the way, I also found a new sculpture in the park that look especially great with the
sun coming up behind it. You know how I love a good morning silhouette!

The sculpture is part of a large sculpture exhibit that has been popping up along the lakefront
all summer long. Part of the Chicago Sculpture International Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition
sponsored by the Chicago Park District. I thought I had seen most of them, but this one
was “new” to me this morning. It is by Boyan Marinov and it’s titled “Confluence.”

Near the end of my ride, the sun finally made it up for the traditional sunrise!
So glad I “forced myself” out this morning… even though I had to rush down to Navy Pier!!!

Categories: holiday, inspiration

In some instances, it seems like Thanksgiving gets overshadowed by the biggest
retail stores infringing on the holiday. Opening sooner & sooner. Offering up
big sales & huge discounts. Keeping people away from their families by making them
work on Thanksgiving! But is it worth it?! Who is really winning here?
Big Business? Yes. Businesses that have nothing to do with your community.

But this holiday season – you CAN make a difference!

Instead of supporting big retailers, we’re encouraging you to “SHOP SMALL”
this holiday season. To support the local businesses that rely on the support
of their communities. Small business owners who are working hard to keep their
life’s work going. People who are living their passion. Many of which are artists like
myself who are doing what they love. And working even harder to make a living.

So this holiday season, take a second to consider Shopping Small.
Don’t give your money to the Walmarts, Kmarts and any other “mart” out there!
Give it to someone who will really appreciate the efforts you’re making to support
your local community and the people who work there… instead of overseas somewhere!

Categories: artists, holiday, Taylor

Today we celebrated Thanksgiving at my sister’s place. We were all there including
my adorable niece Taylor. She had made a special Thanksgiving “surprise” for each of us.

Sweet treats made out of Oreo’s, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Whoppers, Candy Corn
and more! One for each of us sitting on place card boxes wherever she decided we should
sit at the Thanksgiving table. Luckily, mine was right next to her!!!

Categories: holiday, pottery

Part of the fun of Thanksgiving is sharing food with your friends & family. Taking time
to make something homemade to share. And I always find it better to share my homemade
treats in homemade pots! So this year, I was in charge of appetizers. So I made a cheese
spread with sundried tomatoes, kalamata olives, feta cheese and more! So yummy.
thanks to Rosene & Gerry for sharing this yummy recipe… so I could share!

My cousin Kim was in charge of the vegetable. And Thanksgiving wouldn’t be quite the same
if we didn’t have that “traditional” green bean & mushroom soup casserole! Which, if I must
say myself, always tastes better when baked in one of my own handmade oval casseroles!

I also made another pumpkin marble cheesecake with gingersnap crust.
My sister was in charge of the pies. I figured you can always have more dessert, right?!

And a little plate of chocolate fudge is always a welcome addition… even if it does have
a “secret” ingredient in it. I got the recipe from one of my Lillstreet students. We talked
about it in class, she shared the recipe and I just had to make a batch to share with everyone!
Of course I would never share the “secret” ingredient until AFTER they’ve tried it!!!

One more thing… here’s what’s left of the cheese spread.
Luckily, you can see the bowl even better!

Categories: holiday
Categories: nature, sunrise

The morning sky was ablaze in rosy splendor as I drove down to Navy Pier to kick-off
the start of “making the holidays happen” down at Winter WonderFest.