Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: creativity, food, music, television, YouTube

So this happened in the studio tonight…
a little bit of CHROMATICA with Lady Gaga OREO’s!!!

Kinda fun… but a little weird if I must say. They’re not a strange flavor, just strange colors… kind of flamingo-pink cookies with an oddly kelly green creme filling??? Pretty much the basic golden-vanilla flavor, yet a bit “thicker & crunchier” than normal OREOs??? I think I expected a little more from these “Little Monsters”!!!

But they did remind me of another great Carpool Karaoke with James Corden & Lady Gaga! Watch the YouTube video for a little Friday Night Dance Party… while driving in a van?!

Click here for the YouTube video!

Categories: friends, mugs, YouTube

What an ADORABLE way to start my day!
With an “adorable” preschool teacher (and an “adorable” assistant) reading a book to her class kids on a YouTube video! She reads “Bear Snores On”… and talks about drinking warm beverages when it’s cold outside. Then she shows off some of her favorite mugs… and lookey there… MINE is one of them!!! Thanks for sharing Jody…. and great story too!!!

Perfect timing for another MUGSHOT MONDAY!!!

But my favorite part is that she holds up the bottom of my mug to show the preschoolers my name… upside-down and CURSIVE!!! Like they even know what cursive is… them or thousands of other school kids these days!!! Ha!!!

Click here for the link to the YouTube video if you want to watch “Miss Jody” read the bok and show -off some of her favorite mugs!!!

Categories: YouTube

I mean, really… this little girl just made my night!!! Tell me that each of us hasn’t had this very meltdown like once a week for the past five months!!! Seriously… even the ice cream truck is shut down!!! HA!!! So adorable!

Categories: inspiration, YouTube

This just seemed hauntingly appropriate after the eulogy.
A tough time in our history. Reminiscent of other tough times.
A time for love. A time for hate.
A time for peace. I swear it’s not too late.

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven.

A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace,
A time to refrain from embracing

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven

A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time for love, a time for hate
A time for peace, I swear it’s not too late.

Categories: stamps, television, workshop, YouTube

Getting ready to teach my first online workshop for Lillstreet Art Center… CLAY STAMP MAKING! Okay, so I may be showing my age here… but I just can’t get THIS out of my head! And you can thank me now… for I’m sure it will be stuck in your head now too for your next ZOOM Meeting online!

And… you’re welcome!!!

Categories: television, YouTube

from the funniest comedy ever!!! There, I said it.

I’m a huge “SEINFELD” fan… and we will forever miss Jerry Stiller…
there will never be another Frank Costanza!!! RIP.

Categories: art fair, creativity, inspiration, YouTube

More bad news today as yet another art fair in my schedule has been cancelled. We heard today that ART IN THE BARN will not be happening in 2020… which was scheduled for the last weekend in September. I know that a lot of us artists were hoping that by then we might have a chance of art fairs coming back. Guess not.

And then coincidentally, my sister Jen sent me a link to this video. Which was so thoughtful, caring, inspirational, a little sad, and yet so moving. A little “bedtime story” that makes you think about the situation we’re all facing, what the outcome might be and why hindsight is 2020… and appropriately, it’s called “The Great Realisation.” As I think we are all beginning to realize the longevity & after-effects of this historic pandemic. Reality is setting in. So far… not a fan of the “new normal.”

Categories: inspiration, YouTube

Take the time… relax… breath deep…
and enjoy your time with Kermit during these tough times.
It will most likely be the best three and a half minutes of your day today!

And thank you Kermie… I needed this today!

Categories: inspiration, YouTube

We’re not done yet… keep cleaning & wiping down everything…
and don’t even think about going to that place where everybody knows your name!!!

Categories: holiday, YouTube

So I “think” I may have just been to my first Seder Dinner?!
Let’s not get crazy… I was self-isolating home alone as usual…
but watched “Saturday Night Seder” on my laptop!

My friend Pam told me about it… a star-studded celebrity evening of a “virtual” Seder Celebration! Now it wasn’t very religious, but they did cover the stories, the wine, the Seder plate and sang a few songs along the way! Seemed like a party to me… even if everyone was partying from the safety of their own homes! I still think it counts, right?!

Hosted by Jason Alexander, with tons of celebrities like Fran Drescher, Josh Groban, Darren Criss, Andy Cohen, Idina Menzel, Bette Middler, Billy Porter, Isaac Mizrahi, Judith Light, Debra Messing, Richard Kind, Billy Eichner, Dan Levy, and more… plus a few Rabbis… one Rabbi with a DJ disco light on his ceiling?!

Click here to watch “Saturday Night Seder” on YouTube.