Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, platters, wheelthrowing

We’re nearing the end of the Winter Session at Lillstreet, and I love when it all starts to “click” with my beginners, the proverbial “light bulb” goes off… and they start making some really great pots with intention. Like last night when Nick made this great platter… his biggest piece EVER!!!

Categories: challenge, classes, wheelthrowing

This week in our LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class, I challenged my students to replicate three distinct forms in one hour. They had sixty minutes to make all three. And they couldn’t move the examples off the table. With very little guidance, it was fun for me to watch how each of them approached the task differently. Most quickly jumped on the wheel… one handbuilt them all… yet size & shape were still a challenge for everyone. But it was the “oval” vase that proved to be the real challenge. With a wide range of “success”… some used the wheel while others handbuilt the shape. It was a great challenge for everyone.

Although I will say, I was a little “disappointed” that no one thought to paint them all with the new orange slip we have in the classrooms now! Given another five or ten minutes, maybe someone would have gotten there?! I mean… the examples were ORANGE, right?!

Categories: production, wheelthrowing

More than ten pieces thrown before 10:00am.
Making more mugs… but this time with a holiday theme to come!

Categories: classes, platters, wheelthrowing

After throwing their “perfect” dinner plate… my LILLSTREET THROWDOWNER’s were then challenged to make the largest platter they could with 6-pounds of clay! Remember, some of them had never made a plate… let alone a huge platter… let alone handling six pounds on a wheel!!! I did a quick demo for them… which they fully appreciated… and then I let them loose!!! And they all did AMAZING!!! Even surprising themselves with their newly-found platter-making skills!

Categories: bowls, wheelthrowing

So this week in my beginning Wheel class we discussed making “bowls on purpose, and not cylinders gone bad.” I did a demo… and then sent them off to make their own. Then I made “a few more” so we could start talking about alterations & surface decorations in an effort to make their basic bowls “not-so-basic”!

Categories: wheelthrowing

A quick batch of mug cylinders this morning… fulfilling another 10×10 challenge. Ten pieces thrown before 10:00am! Next up… stamping, trimming & handles!

Categories: classes, mugs, wheelthrowing

Last night in my pottery class, my Beginners tackled trimming, pulling & attaching handles… thus finishing their first mugs. And it’s only Week Two!!

Categories: process, production, wheelthrowing

More then ten wheelthrown mug cylinders before 10:00am. A productive morning in the studio.

Categories: challenge, classes, wheelthrowing

Last night was the kick-off of my LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class!! With a great new group of potters ready to take on my silly games, races, projects & challenges!

Last night they started off throwing one “perfectly” mug shaped cylinder in their own style. Only to be followed up by a challenge to throw more cylinders that MATCHED… but not theirs, they had to match everyone else’s!!! Matching pots are tough enough, let alone matching someone else’s shape & style!!! Lots of pots, lots of fun!!! And we’re just getting started…

Categories: wheelthrowing, workshop

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to work with some artsy kids at Vernon Hills High School. What I thought was going to be a workshop mostly about altering & decorating bowls, turned into a much more “interactive” wheelthrowing class as many of them had never really thrown before?! Of course I encouraged & prodded them “just a little” to get the to lighten up, loosen up & get muddy in the clay with me.

I taught them some beginning basics… and then coached them along the way as I continued to throw two dozen bowls. At the end of the workshop, we started altering rims, adding some creative flair & blowing kid’s minds!!! I loved seeing their looks of shock & awe as I altered some of the bowls. They loved it… and I had a great time molding clay & molding young minds!