Well, it’s officially the “First Day of Spring” … and we woke up to SNOW!!!
More than an inch overnight. Welcome to Spring in Chicago!!!

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
Well, it’s officially the “First Day of Spring” … and we woke up to SNOW!!!
More than an inch overnight. Welcome to Spring in Chicago!!!
Guess our little “hint of Spring” is over?!
It was nearly 80-degrees on Friday… and today it’s about forty degrees colder with SNOW!!!
Welcome to Chicago weather… ugh.
Snow Day fun making SNOW DUCKS!!! My friend Tiffany brought her “snow duck maker” to work today… so we had to get outside to play for awhile. Making ducks obviously!!!
As predicted, we got a thin covering of ice overnight so everything is a shining wonderland. I do appreciate how you can see the little pellets of salt doing their job… an early & icy morning starting off at the studio! Be careful out there everyone!!!
Luckily, NOT my car… but when I was leaving Lillstreet tonight after class, there were a couple cars “trapped” under some fallen trees on Ravenswood. I knew we were getting some rain, but I didn’t think it was strong enough to do anything like this?! Yikes.
We just had some crazy storms roll across Chicago… torrential rains, gusting winds & a few tornadoes in the area. We hunkered down & watched the weather radar from the “safety” of our classroom at Lillstreet tonight. I’m just hoping that everyone made it home safely & not too much damage from the storms. Me?… a bit of flooding in the basement & the street out front is flooded… and it’s STILL raining!!! But I’m home safe & dry. Hoping everyone else is too!!!
So I was just out for an afternoon bike ride along the lake… gentle clouds, breezy, nice. But then… seemingly out of nowhere, the winds went crazy, the clouds went dark & the temperature dropped quickly!!! I even saw little pop-up sailboats racing back to safety… only to see three of them capsize from the wind. Luckily, they were all well-trained and got them back up quickly. So… I turned around, got drizzled on twice & picked up my pace racing home. I just got home LITERALLY three minutes before the sky opened up & the rain started coming down!!! Whew!!!
While driving to the studio about an hour ago…
my car said it was pretty darn HOT in Chicago today!!!
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 gary@firewhenreadypottery.com |