Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: soda-fired, stamped, textures, vases

Just in time for my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW this weekend!!! My new double-handled oval vases came out great! I’m very excited by how the soda-firing hit them in all the right places. Making the colors pop, accentuating the textures & patterns… and best, none of that shiny gray “dolphin-skin” finish that soda-firing sometimes creates!

Categories: process, production, stamped, textures, tools, vases

New oval vases with double handles drying in the studio. Each with a textured panel on both sides between the handles… thanks to some textured handrollers from MKM Pottery Tools. Loving the contrast of the smooth rounded ends & handles juxtaposed with the textured panels. Even better… the double handles will help hold your flowers up for a low-profile floral arrangement!

Categories: patterns, stamped, surface decoration, textures, tools

Time to get my groove on… starting with another groovy & crisp pattern from an MKM Pottery Tools handroller. Starting with a textured slab… with a plan in mind for a new oval vase project! Coming soon… deadlines are approaching!!!

Categories: production, surface decoration, textures

Bringing out my favorite carving tools from DiamondCore Tools for some fun Christmas tree texturing! Nice crisp cuts with sharp tools… perfect for the glaze to pool & puddle in all the right places!!!

Categories: ornaments, textures

A treasure trove of textures. A bowl full of found rocks, agates & a few of my wheelthrown ornaments… a perfect collection for another Texture Tuesday. Thanks for sharing your collection Jody!

Categories: surface decoration, textures

A little swirly fun with thick white slip on a large platter.
Just some rhythmic tapping with a rubber rub through the slip while the platter is still spinning.

Categories: hybrid mugs, soda-fired, stamped, textures

Plus the latest batch of “hybrid mugs” fresh from last weekend’s soda kiln firing. A combo of wheelthrown & handbuilt techniques… with amazing textures created with my favorite MKM Pottery Tools! All ready for ART IN THE BARN this weekend!

Categories: process, production, textures

Painting some colored flashing slip on a few last-minute pieces for my upcoming soda kiln! If all goes well, the slip will turn orange & the textures will all be accentuated by the soda-firing atmosphere! Fingers crossed.

Categories: kiln firing, textures

After hundreds of firings, the soda kiln at Lillstreet is showing some wear & tear… and will be replaced at some point. But until then, I do LOVE all of the crusty colors & patinas that have taken over the bricks. Such great textures to appreciate… purely from the build-up from the soda-firing atmospheric firings! Very cool.

Categories: glaze, mugs, textures, tools

Doing some glazing tonight for my soda kiln firing this weekend. Like these “hybrid mugs” that have been dipped in a flashing slip & now have a layer of tenmoku glaze rubbed in to highlight the textures. You know how I love making mugs… and I love these textures made with MKM Pottery Tools. The perfect combination!