Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, sunrise

Windy with one BIG cloud this morning!! Couldn’t tell if it was moving in or moving out??? It started out pretty oppressive (and impressive)… but kind of dissipated as the morning sky show played out. Luckily the sun had a few moments to shine this morning!

And yes, that big cloud is STILL lingering out there…

Categories: bike, sunrise

A cloudy start to the day. Lots of clouds…
with just a splash of color that lasted for just a few moments and then back to gray.
At least we got a splash, right?! Better than nothing.



Categories: bike, sunrise

With a layer of marine haze on the skyline, the colors were muted & pastoral. Some wispy clouds & contrails played well in the sky… but it was that “red rubber ball” of a sun that put it over the top!




Categories: art fair, bike, sunrise

A quiet morning with great sunrise potential. I expected some amazing colors on the early cloud cover… but instead, the clouds blew out of the way too soon. And all we were left with was a big red ball reflecting in the ripples. Still not too shabby. And now back to Day Two of the GLENVIEW SUMMER ART FAIR!!!



Categories: bike, sunrise

Another quiet morning with a layer of low clouds floating along the horizon.
Less humidity with a nice chill in the air was a welcome surprise!


Categories: bike, sunrise

Started out slow and a bit underwhelming…
but when the sun finally made its way through the clouds,
it was all worth the wait!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Another beautiful morning complete with clouds for color and splashing waves for entertainment… as I found myself laughing & dodging waves while trying to capture that perfect picture! Let’s just say I didn’t quite time it right for all of them!!!


Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

So I woke up early for my morning ride and the pavement was wet. I checked the weather and it looked like no more rain for a couple hours. So I had a few choices… Wet streets vs. dry bed. Hours of sleep vs. hours of pedaling. Chance of rain vs. chance of dreams. Well… no surprise, my biking addiction won out once again! No sunrise to speak of, but the cloud cover & crashing waves were pretty darn AMAZING!!!



Categories: bike, sunrise

Another beautiful morning. Another beautiful bike ride.
Swift breezes blowing in off the lake kept it cool & comfortable
as the cloud show continued to amaze.

To see video of this morning’s sunrise, click over to my Facebook page or Instagram feed.

Categories: bike, sunrise

What a difference a day makes! After yesterday’s crazy-cool calico cuds, this morning’s lack of clouds was a beautiful change of pace! Nary a cloud in the sky!!!