Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: process, production, stamped, vases

Just finishing up another batch of stamped oval vases quickly before the Chi Tri tomorrow. Hoping these dry while I’m outside sweating tomorrow so they can make it into my bisque kiln Monday, and my next soda kiln on Friday!!!

Categories: Chicago, production, stamped, studio, vases, workout

With this being the hottest weekend of the summer, I’m tagged & ready for another Chicago Triathlon tomorrow! It’s going to be a sweaty race… as I’m currently in the studio sweating & racing to finish a new batch of oval vases. We’ve had no air conditioning on the second floor of Lillstreet for over a week now!!! Not good during the heat wave hitting Chicago this week! Just trying to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate…

Categories: collaborations, process, production

Did a little throwing on the wheel this evening after a full day of Wheelthrowing Camp with the kids! Had to get my parts & pieces started for some upcoming collaborations… I’ve got some major catching up to do! Been a little busy with the kids…

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, surface decoration

After a night of slip painting, there’s now another batch of mugs drying in my studio. Just getting ready for my upcoming September art fairs… ART IN THE GARDEN and ART IN THE BARN. Two favorite shows… and a lot of new mugs coming soon!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, surface decoration

Did a bit of detailing tonight with colored flashing slips on a new batch of mugs! A layer of slip around the top rim & some stamp highlights. The colored flashing slips will react to the soda-firing atmosphere in my next kiln load… hopefully creating some great colored details.

Categories: platters, process, production, stamped, stamps, textures

Working in the studio tonight after Summer Camp. Trying to get caught-up on a bunch of pieces that have been sitting around under plastic for awhile. Finally got around to stamping this platter that was a class demo piece last week. It”s always amazing to me to see how just one handmade stamp can make such a difference!

Categories: process, production, tools

Thrilled to be spinning & trimming so smoothly again! So much better with my Giffin Grip back in action. Even better when paired with a great trimming tool from DiamondCore Tools. Two of my favorite tools working together… making my trimming life so much better!!!

Studio life is so much better when you have the best tools!!!

Categories: bowls, process, production, stamped, surface decoration, textures

All stamped & detailed… and the bowls are all back under plastic until they dry-up a bit more for trimming. Good thing I love trimming too… almost as much as stamping!!!


Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

And now we have handles… and therefore, now we have MUGS!!! One step closer to the bisque kiln! Another step closer to getting these done in time for next weekend’s art fair in Glenview!!!

Categories: art fair, mugs, production, stamped

With one big “commission” batch of mugs finally done… I’m already working on the next batch! You know how much I LOVE making mugs. I’m going to try to rush these through the process a bit to get them done in time for my next art fair… The Glenview Summer Art Fair in a week and a half! Fingers crossed…