Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

Handles attached… with plenty of time to spare before teaching class tonight!!!
This year’s Shamrock Mugs are now assembled and ready to start drying!
Wow… look at me way ahead of schedule!!! HA!!!

And in time for another Mugshot Monday!

Categories: mugs, process, production

The old-school traditional way. But then I like to loop them over onto themselves… so that the majority of the curve is already established as they start to stiffen up before attachment.

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

Lots of shamrocks popping up in the studio today! Well on my way to this year’s batch of Shamrock Mugs!!! Trimming & handles coming soon…

Categories: production, textures

Little textured nuggets ready for a bisque kiln!

Categories: production, wheelthrowing

More than ten pieces thrown before 10:00am.
Making more mugs… but this time with a holiday theme to come!

Categories: production, stamped, textures, tiles, tools

Some early morning textured tiles in the works… getting ready for “4×4 : FOUR MAKERS” which is just about two weeks away! A mix of textures using my own handmade stamps & some using my favorite MKM Pottery Tools handrollers!

Categories: ikebana, production, stamped

My latest production round was a group of “rounds”… the top part of ikebana vases coming together. Stepping it up so that I’m ready when the Spring flowers start popping up… just some positive thinking… or, wishful thinking!!!

Categories: mugs, production, stamped

A bit more detail of my newest batch of mugs…
stamped, assembled, handled & now ready to dry…
and then off to a bisque kiln some time soon!

Categories: mugs, production

Handles attached… first batch of mugs for the NEW YEAR!!! You know they’re my all-time favorite thing to make. So there will definitely be a LOT more mugs to come!

Categories: mugs, production

Time to make some mugs… because I’m a firm believer that a mug without a handle is NOT a mug!!!