Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, artists, process

Okay, so the “sugar cubes” are gone… and I’m still intrigued by Robin’s progess on her collaboration pieces for “4×4”. Looks I might need to wait until next weekend along with everyone else to see how this all comes together. I have a few ideas… only because I’ve been working on my own pieces with the same theme. But my pieces don’t look anything like this?! …ha!!!

Categories: classes, process, soda-fired

So this weekend has been part of the LILLSTREET 3-DAY SODA-FIRING WORKSHOP. I have a great group of students with most of them firing their work in a soda kiln for the first time! There’s so much to learn & we’re just trying to squeeze it all in! Friday night we met up, talked soda, and then started glazing & wadding right away!

It was a very long night… since we also had to load the entire kiln & brick up the door. My group were “rock stars” with everyone pitching in… even as we went well past the “posted” end time! They all had a great time, worked really hard & soaked in as much as they possibly could! We got ALL of their work into the kiln… so I’m hoping they each get a bunch of beauties out when we unload Monday night!

Categories: glaze, mugs, process, production, soda-fired, surface decoration, textures

So I’ve been glazing the latest batch of “hybrid mugs” in preparation for this weekends Soda-Firing Workshop. A simple liner glaze of tenmoku… and then I had to decide which ones to leave raw outside, and which ones need a bit more lovin’ & a bit more colored glaze accents before soda-firing.

Categories: art fair, friends, gallery, process, production

Looks like my talented friend & master metalsmith Sarah Chapman is still working on her collaboration pieces for our “4×4 : FOUR MAKERS” gallery show next weekend in Evanston. I can’t wait to see Sarah’s, Darlys’s & Robin’s pieces when they all come together. Fingers crossed… I’m still working on mine too!!!

Categories: platters, process, production, stamped, stamps, textures

Just a handmade stamp & a pointy piece of wood. Soon enough I had this fully stamped platter ready to start drying more. Still needs to be trimmed… but one step closer to done!

Categories: handbuilding, process, production

Fiddling around with a little clay tonight… making some leaves… and making some new “plans” hopefully for the “4×4 : Four Makers” Show. Starting small, making more… and trying to figure out where these leaves might end up?! Fingers crossed...

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

Making a few more stamped mugs on another Mugshot Monday!
Score, slip, attach, repeat… MUGS!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, surface decoration

Another day of making mugs! Adding handles & adding colored flashing slip accents. A band of color around the top & a dab of colored slip on each stamp. If all goes well, this flashing slip with change to vibrant shades of gold in an upcoming soda firing!

Categories: process, production, textures, tiles

You know I’ve always said “MORE IS MORE”… well “more” of these little tiles are starting to come together! I’m kind of excited with this new “plan”… hoping they all come together for my “4×4 Sculpture Show” the first weekend in March with my talented friends Sarah Chapman, Darlys Ewoldt & Robin Kittleson! Mark your calendars!!!

Categories: process, production, stamped, textures

Just fidgeting & playing with some little textured squares. Not 100% sure of what I’m doing here… but I think I feel a little bit of a plan coming together. Hopefully in time for the “4×4 Sculpture Show” I’m doing the first weekend of March in Evanston. More details to come… if this plan actually comes together?!