Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: clay, process, studio

A quick stop into the studio today to water the plants & turn out some more reclaimed clay. You know how I love “FREE” reclaimed clay… and it will be nice to kick-off the New Year with a fresh new batch of fresh “new” old clay!

Categories: glaze, holiday, process, production

The kiln is loaded & firing… with a LOT of new Christmas Trees for this weekend’s SECOND HOLIDAY HOME SHOW! It seemed like the ones with stars & holes were the big hit last time… so I made another large batch with holes & stars!!! It’s beginning to look a LOT like Christmas!!!

And if there are any left after this weekend’s HOME SHOW,
does anyone want a quickie online Facebook Sale?!
Is there a preference?… late Sunday night or early Monday morning???

Categories: glaze, holiday, process, production

A little early morning glazing session. Working on the newest batch of Christmas trees for next weekend’s SECOND HOLIDAY HOME SHOW! Trying to replenish the shelves for those missed-out the first time!!!

Categories: holiday, process, production

After the first HOLIDAY HOME SHOW, I could tell that a lot of people liked the Christmas trees with pierced holes for candles or fairy lights. So, that’s what I’m making more of… and today was the day to trim & drill holes!!!

Categories: art fair, holiday, process, production

With my second HOLIDAY HOME SHOW just two weeks away… I’m pretty sure I can crank out another batch of Christmas Trees! They were a big hit at the first show, so my inventory is very low! But give me some time… and I’ll have a whole new forest of Christmas Trees WITH STARS!!!… as they seemed to be a big hit! So if you missed them the first time, never fear… there will be more for the second show on December 16th & 17th at my place. Mark your calendars!

Categories: holiday, process, production

There’s been a forest “growing” in my studio… festive trees in line for some glazing fun tonight! Gotta get these moving if they’re going to be ready for my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW next weekend! That’s the plan anyway…

Categories: process, production

Looking at the calendar…
hoping that I can squeeze in one last batch of clay ornaments & gift tags!
Fingers crossed…

Categories: glaze, mugs, process, production

As most of you know, I hate glazing! But oddly, I totally enjoy waxing bottoms!!! A zen-like process with one clean hand & one wax hand. Wax on, wax off. Now I just need to keep my motivation alive & start glazing all of these if I hope to have them ready for next weekend’s HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!! Wish me luck…

Categories: bowls, process, production, stamped

Stamping & trimming. Another set of bowls in the works… this time a bit wider & shallower than normal. Just hoping to get these done & glazed in time for my Holiday Home Show!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, surface decoration

Handles attached & mugs are done for today! For now they’re under wraps for the night so they can “rest” and let the moisture levels even out before I open them up to dry fully. Then it’s into a bisque kiln… and then a glaze kiln… and then to my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW in less than two weeks! Giddy-up!