Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: ornaments, process, soda-fired

And for those of you who keep wondering or asking about how I soda-fire my ornaments… well, here you go! I make these little clay tripods, bisque fire them, dip the tips in kiln wash and then place each ornament upside down on the tripod. Sure, one or two of them might “jump off” during the firing… but it’s a small price to pay for a lot of beautiful ornaments that have nice soda flashing all around each ornament.

And then the next question?… YES, I throw the tripods away after each firing.
Maybe I could re-use them?… but my gut tells me no.
I know that pieces shrink during the final soda-firing. And I’m afraid that if I use an “already-shrunk” tripod with a “still-to-be-shrunk” ornament, the difference in shrinkage during firing might not work well… and there might be some “shifting” during the firing and ornaments might fall off. So I hedge my bets… and make new tripods for every ornament firing!

Categories: ornaments, soda-fired, stamped

Not only did I get a lot of bowls, mugs, vases & more out of my soda kiln…
I also go a box FULL of wheelthrown ornaments!!!

Some of them need a smidge of cleaning up…
and then all of them will get a metal ring to hang from!
Lots of ornaments at the HOLIDAY HOME SHOW this weekend!!!

Categories: ornaments

One of my students “took me up” on my offer to fire their wheelthrown ornaments in my soda kiln. Christine was the only one who took me up on it… and here are her colorful ornaments with a lot of underglaze details. It will be interesting to see how much of this color survives the soda kiln?!

Categories: glaze, ornaments, process, production

These ornaments have been wiped off so the glaze stays in each stamp… headed into my soda kiln when I load this evening. These will be fired upside down on little tripods… get a metal ring after firing… and then make their big debut at My Holiday Home Show next weekend!!!!

Categories: glaze, ornaments, process, production

Adding a bit of tenmoku glaze into the stamped impressions on my latest batch of holiday ornaments. I’ll wipe off the top surface to leave the glaze neatly inlaid in each stamp.

Categories: classes, ornaments

So I made a deal with my students this session… that anyone who made a wheelthrown ornament like the demo… could have it fired in my soda firing next weekend. So far, it looks like only Christine will be taking me up on “the deal” with these little cuties!

Categories: ornaments, production

Finished detailing another batch of holiday ornament with some colored flashing slips…
heading their way into next weekend’s soda kiln during! Fingers crossed…

Categories: ornaments, process, production

Working on another batch of Christmas ornaments.
Still need to add the cap & ring… and then some colored flashing slip accents!

Categories: ornaments, process, production

Another batch of Christmas ornaments in the making.
Only 70 days until Christmas… I’m just sayin’!!!

Categories: ornaments, process, production, soda-fired

A lot of people ask me how I fire my wheelthrown ornaments. Well, I also make little tripods for them to e propped up on in the soda kiln. I dip the tips in kiln wash so they don’t stick to the ornament too much after firing. This way, I can get some nice soda flashings on all sides of the ornament…. and not really see where the prop points were. And yes, I make new tripods for every firing!