Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: challenge, nature

Apparently there are still some fortune cookies to be found at Illinois Beach State Park…
if you’re willing to face the weather!

From Adam…
“Wow Gary, great hiding of the cookies this year! I spent 6 hours between the North and South Units yesterday on my bike and only found the one on the Poplar tree. Thanks for that, I knew I rarely saw that species there, so once I found the only grove of Poplars in the South Unit I was confident I’d find that one and did. Then last weekend Mom, the kids and I were out there with no luck until we finally tuned our senses & vision to that green moss/lichen and we found the one on the Willow Tree at the North Unit. I’m loving the ever-building excitement and attention your annual tradition is getting and the competition with other passionate hunters as a result! We will stick with our two for 2025, but always hoping to stumble upon one that remained unfound from a past year as well! Thanks as always for this annual thrill! Can’t wait for my birdhouse to be inhabited come Spring time! And if I do go for another fortune cookie hunt, I gotta locate that damned birds nest, it’s evading me so far and it’s killing me!”

Thanks Adam – glad you and the kids had a great time!!!
And now for that bird’s nest one…

Categories: garden, nature

While not the healthiest leaf on the plant… trying to propagate in water… this monstera leaf is pretty striking in vibrant color & subtle texture. Perfect for another natural Texture Tuesday!


Categories: nature, sunrise

A beautiful start to the day…

Categories: challenge, nature

“Gotta keep searchin’ searchin’… find a place to hide… searchin’ searchin’!!!”
Let the games begin… and WELCOME TO 2025!!!

To celebrate, I’ve hidden 25 ceramic fortune cookies for people to find!!! Twenty-five for 2025… get it?! Anyway, they’re hidden all over Illinois Beach State Park. An annual tradition that started during the pandemic. And now every year, more & more people are starting to search for their fortune… cookies!

So new this year, I’m also asking that you find all you can, take pictures & selfies along the way… but try to limit yourself to taking one per person home for your collection. Let’s leave some there so more people can experience the fun of the search! Use the photos in this Reel for your clues… and let the searchin’ searchin’ begin!!!

Categories: nature

Kickin’ off the New Year with a beautiful day hiking up at Illinois Beach State Park in Zion, Illinois. It’s a beautiful lakefront park with plenty of sandy beaches, marshy wetlands & wooded areas to hike… and no people!!! I was there all day and saw a total of six other people! A hidden treasure – I basically had the place to myself!!!

Shhh… don’t tell too many people, let’s keep this between you & me!

Categories: nature

Beautiful colors & textures on this Japanese maple tree during my early morning walk.
Almost as though it “forgot” to drop its leaves this Fall?!

Categories: architecture, nature

A beautiful blue sky downtown… a city of contrast through the sunroof!

Categories: nature
Categories: nature, seasons

While most have fallen… there are still a few leaves hanging on & showing off!!!

Categories: nature

A quick glimpse of one of my recent birdhouses out in the wild… quite literally!
Hanging around hoping to draw some birds to take up residence. Thanks for sharing Adam!

And yes, there will be just a couple birdhouses available at my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW next weekend!