Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, stamps

So the cylinders that were thrown yesterday were ready today to start stamping. They were under plastic overnight so now they are at a good stage that I like to call “wet-leatherhard.” Not quite stiff enough to trim yet, not quite wet enough to be squishy or sticky… but instead firm enough to hold its shape, and yet wet enough to press in good impressions with my handmade stamps.

Mug #1 –

Mug #2 –

Mug #3 –

Mug #4 –

Mug #5 –

Mug #6 –

Mug #7 –

Mug #8 –

Mug #9 –

Mug #10 –

Mug #11 –

Mug #12 –

Mug #13 –

Mug #14 –

Mug #15 –

Mug #16 –

Mug #17 –

Mug #18 –

Mug #19 –

So for now they’re all back under plastic wraps… drying up a bit more until they are leatherhard and ready for trimming. And then… the ever-popular task of adding handles to all of them!!!

Categories: mugs, patterns, process, production, stamped, stamps

Lots of stamping… lots of patterns… lots of textures! Always fun using my own handmade clay stamps to create the surfaces on my mugs. All pressed in one by one… by one… by one…

Categories: food, mugs

Looks like a yummy lunch for Allison…
complete with a stamped mug on another MUGSHOT MONDAY!

Categories: friends, mugs

Looks like Sarah is kicking off her day with an iced coffee in her new stamped & soda-fired mug! Good chance there might be some yummy baked goods to go with it… as she’s one of the contestant bakers on THE GREAT AMERICAN BAKING SHOW. If you haven’t watched yet, you can still steam it for FREE on www.therokuchannel.comno ROKU box needed!

Categories: mugs, production, wheelthrowing

It was a pretty productive morning today in the studio. Seems like I always start with my “default”… making more MUGS!!! You know they’re my favorite thing to make!

Categories: art fair, mugs, soda-fired, stamped

A couple handfuls of mugs & more while replenishing shelves this morning. Just getting ready for Day Two of the HINSDALE FINE ARTS FESTIVAL. We’re almost ready to open… it’s cooler than yesterday with a nice breeze!!! So c’mon over to enjoy Burlington Park and all of the great art. I’m in Booth 69 until 5:00pm!

Categories: mugs, process, soda-fired

So while one kiln is cooling, it’s time to prep, price & pack my pots from a previous kiln! Starting with a large batch of new soda-fired mugs that need to be ready for their “Big Debut” this weekend in Schaumburg!

Categories: glaze, kiln firing, mugs, textures

Another TEXTURE TUESDAY with some fun textures & glaze pooling effects on these soda-fired “hybrid” mugs! I’m always enamored with this glaze effect when it comes out of the soda kiln… and the glaze highlights & breaks in all the right places!

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Celebrating another MUGSHOT MONDAY with more stamped mugs straight out of my latest soda kiln. Bright colors & good flashing effects coming together on this batch of mugs! Looking forward to taking these to my first few art fairs this summer… coming sooner than you think!

Categories: classes, mugs

Last night in class, my Beginning Wheel students tackled their first cylinders with some trimming & handles to finish their first mugs!!! Not too shabby for Week 3… more fun to come!!! Well done team!