Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, artists, friends, mosaic

Looks like my mosaic friend Kristin Conneely is playing around with some of my soda-fired beads… working towards some new collaboration pieces for ART IN THE GARDEN!!! I can’t wait to see what she finally comes up with when we have the “Big Reveal” at the art fair on the last week of August in Glenview.

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, mosaic

Looks like I’m not the only one working on some collaboration projects for ART IN THE GARDEN!!! I see that mosaic artist Kristin Conneely is making a sweet little piece with some textured pottery pieces from my friend Cory McCrory! These collaborations are so much for for all of us… getting to play with each other to make cool things we don’t usually get to make… as “normal” art fairs kinda frown upon this kind of collaboration!!!

Categories: flowers, mosaic, nature

It was such a beautiful day today, so after my “surprise walk” and my frozen custard treat, I hopped on my bike for a little afternoon biking adventure through a few “new-to-me” neighborhoods around my ‘hood, and then back to the lakefront before heading home!

When it’s so beautiful outside, you’ve gotta grab it while you can!

Categories: artists, Chicago, mosaic

Making the most of a bad situation… or TWO!
Potholes AND Coronavirus!!!

Dealing with both at the same time!!!
And a lot of creativity to help us all get through this together… with a smile!
Thanks to Chicago mosaic artist Jim Bachor.

Click here for the full article on

Categories: lillstreet, mosaic

Now more than ever! Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay creative.
Be fearless as we all face these new challenges… in a time where we all need creative solutions. Some day soon we’ll all be back to the place we love. I miss everyone. My friends. My students. My community.

Lillstreet Art Center.

Anyone notice a stamped vase anywhere… I seem to have misplaced one???

Categories: creativity, flowers, mosaic, nature

So yesterday while it was so BEAUTIFUL outside… and far too many idiots were flooding the lakefront without any social distance… I decided to go for a run in the other direction! Literally.

I went for a run out to the West Ridge Nature Preserve… a little unknown nugget of nature… with a couple beautiful mosaic pieces to welcome you in. Isolated enough to be totally safe for those of us still social distancing while we get out for some exercise on a beautiful day!

Categories: bike, mosaic

By now you all know how much I love a good sunrise! But when you add that in the reflection of a beautiful bricolage mosaic “sunrise” along the lakefront… even better!!! These mosaics are on one of the beach house at Kathy Osterman Beach on the far northside of Chicago’s lakefront… right at the northern end of Lake Shore Drive!

Categories: lillstreet, mosaic

Enjoying a splash of color on a grey & dreary Sunday afternoon
in the back hallway at Lillstreet Art Center.
Thanks to the kids and their colorful grout to brighten up the place!

Categories: artists, Chicago, mosaic

Loving the beautiful mosaics downtown at the Gallery 37 Gallery… made by the talented kids from After School Matters. Quite impressive… beautiful colors, striking patterns & great craftsmanship. Keep up the good work kids!!!

Categories: lillstreet, mosaic

Late afternoon sun shining on the Lillsteet Bricolage Mandala…
and I think I see “something” familiar?… hey, that’s my vase!!!