Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, artists, mosaic, My Talented Friends

Stopped by Kristin Conneely’s mosaic studio the other day. I just love seeing where artists make their magic happen! Of course she’s got a beautiful assortment of colors, tiles & shards… including some amazing glass shards from our glass-fusing friend Robin Kittleson. So fun to see them sharing supplies… as we introduced them to each other during this spring’s “4×4 : Four Makers Show.” Robin has a ton of leftover shards & scraps from her amazing fused glass pieces… and it just works out perfect that Kristin uses “shards & scraps” in her mosaic masterpieces! Come see Kristin’s incredible mosaics at ART IN THE GARDEN on September 9th & 10th in Glenview!

Categories: art fair, collaborations, mosaic, stamped

About a year ago during ART IN THE GARDEN 2022, I gave our mosaic artist Kristin Conneely a few “parts & pieces” with a challenge for her to work her “mosaic magic” as some collaboration projects for ART IN THE GARDEN 2023. She’s had plenty of time to work on them… so I can’t wait to see what she’s done & to share some pictures with you! I’m sure they’re going to be STUNNING… because she’s pretty amazing herself!!!

Categories: lillstreet, mosaic

Well, the Spring session of classes begin today at Lillstreet Art Center. Always fun to start a new session full of new ideas, new demos & so many possibilities. Tonight I’ll meet my Intermediate Wheel students… to find out how I can challenge them & how they will challenge me! And as they come to class tonight, they’ll also pass this wonderful “mandala” installation on the exterior of Lillstreet. Look closely… a little flashback… and you might just find one of my pieces immortalized in the bricolage mandala!

Categories: artists, mosaic

With a little extra time last night, we got to see the beautiful “Four Seasons” mosaic by Marc Chagall down in the Chase Tower Plaza in Chicago. Beautiful mosaic murals portraying life in Chicago through thousands of little tiles.

According to the Chicago Cultural Affairs website… “Composed of thousands of inlaid chips in over 250 colors, Marc Chagall’s mosaic artwork The Four Seasons portrays six scenes of Chicago. It features a vocabulary of images informed by the artist’s Russian-Jewish heritage and found in his Surrealist paintings such as birds, fish, flowers, suns and pairs of lovers. Chagall maintained, “the seasons represent human life, both physical and spiritual, at its different ages.” The design for this mosaic was created in Chagall’s studio in France, transferred onto full-scale panels and installed in Chicago with the help of a skilled mosaicist.

Chagall continued to modify his design after its arrival in Chicago, bringing up-to-date the areas containing the city’s skyline (last seen by the artist 30 years before installation) and adding pieces of native Chicago brick.”

Categories: color, craftsmanship, mosaic, textures

Enjoying a little TEXTURE TUESDAY today with this beautiful & fiery glass mosaic!

Categories: artists, mosaic

My studio neighbor Karen Patinkin has been working on cleaning up her studio lately, and has gathered this wonderful collection of test tiles. I’m loving all of her slip trailings & glaze combinations on these porcelain shards… and I’m sensing perhaps a really cool mosaic piece in the making?!

Categories: art fair, artists, mosaic

Looks like mosaic artist Kristin Conneely is getting ready to bring some peace, love & happiness to ART IN THE GARDEN next weekend!!! Something we ALL need more of these days!

For more information…

Categories: mosaic, summer camp

When they installed a new mosaic wall behind the sinks in the new Wheelthrowing classroom at Lillstreet… my first thought was “Who’s going to clean the splattered clay off of that?”

Well, today I found out… MY SUMMER CAMPERS… that’s who!!!
Today they asked what else they could do while we were cleaning up… so I told them… and they were more than happy to oblige!

Categories: art fair, artists, mosaic

Looks like Kristin Conneely has been working her “mosaic magic” getting for this weekend’s ART IN THE GARDEN in Glenview. We’ll be gathering at a new location just down the street from last year for this wonderful grassroots art fair! Not only will Kristin’s mosaics be there… but I also know that we’re doing a couple collaboration pieces just for this art fair!!!

Check it out at

Categories: art fair, artists, friends, mosaic

Looks like our mosaic artist is up to something cool. I sent Kristin Conneely a bunch of my soda-fired beads to play with… and she is!!! I can’t wait to see what kind of final collaboration pieces she comes up with for ART IN THE GARDEN! These collaborations are one of the things that makes ART IN THE GARDEN so much fun… and there are several different ones in the works! Can’t wait to see them all in person the last weekend of August in Glenview!

Please disregard the missing word on Kristin’s post…
too many beads, not enough words… HA!!!!