Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: food, friends

From up in the frozen tundra of Stevens Point, Wisconsin… looks like Matthew braved the elements to get some yummy treats. Turns out he found Chinese OREOs… surprisingly thin, but I’m sure tasty nonetheless! Thanks for sharing your OREO adventure… looks yummy with a glass of milk!!!

Categories: friends, weather

Snow Day fun making SNOW DUCKS!!! My friend Tiffany brought her “snow duck maker” to work today… so we had to get outside to play for awhile. Making ducks obviously!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, friends

So the new postcards are here… the dates are set… and now I gotta get my act together to make a bunch of new pieces for this special gallery show! Including another “collaboration” project with the other artists… each of the four of us making four pieces each to come together at the show!!!

4×4… make sense now?

Categories: friends, holiday, mugs, pottery

So apparently there was a little pottery “mishap”
on Christmas Day… I’ll let Allison tell the story…

“Tragic end to Mamma Molloy’s mug before she even opened it. We hosted at our home for Christmas and my brother Ryan and his wife Sarah and Reed came over for a meal and presents with our Mamma who lives down around the corner from us. We were all enjoying Reed, our nephew, being a 14 month old after our meal, stomping around and being curious when he grabbed the bag Mamma’s mug was in (padded mind you), Ryan lifted him up, and then he dropped the bag and I heard CLUNK. And was like, “Oh no. What was that? Was that the bag?” And sure enough, she opened the bag first and it was IT WAS HALF A MUG.

Sarah felt so bad and was apologetic and I felt bad but then thought what would Gary say, “It’s just clay.” She said at least she didn’t have time to get attached. I did investigate it after they left and your centering is VERY good sir. Perfect walls. Quite thin, so it’s light, and apparently very breakable.

Sad for the Christmas chaos this year!! As Sarah says, it’s a very “interactive and fun” time with him but the hands grab EVERYTHING.”

Categories: friends, holiday, pottery

A couple happy pottery peeps… celebrating yesterday with some new pottery! Excited about their red “ornaments” holiday mug… but I think even more excited about the stamped aubergine vase that they got as a gift from Dad! Thanks for sharing your holiday Allison & Michael.

Categories: friends, garden

One of my friends stopped by my SECOND HOLIDAY HOME SHOW this past weekend & purchased a little cactus in one of my little pots. He sent me a picture of its new home… it’s kind of the “Where’s Waldo?” of houseplants! Thanks Eric!!!

And just in case you’re wondering… this is what “Waldo” looks like.

Categories: food, friends

Looks like another yummy one… a Peoria Pumpkin Pie!!! Homemade pie in a handmade pie dish… the perfect combo!!! As we know everything tastes better in handmade pottery! Thanks for sharing Kristy!!!

Categories: friends, mugs

Looks like someone was captured making quite a feast!!!
But it’s really the fine mug collection in the background that caught my attention!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!

Categories: food, friends, holiday

So yesterday we celebrated Thanksgiving with my family… and I made the pumpkin pies. It was the first time I have ever “blind baked” the crust first so it would be nice & flaky… no soggy bottoms. Thanks to my friend, former student & baking show winner Martin Sorge, he “coached” me through the process… crust, crimp, chill, poke, line with foil, fill with dry beans, bake, fill & bake again! And it WORKED!!! Yummy pies with nice crispy bottoms! Thanks Martin!!!

Categories: food, friends

So it seems as though I might have a little Christmas Elf wreaking sweet havoc in my world?! It started with some goodies randomly appearing on my Teacher Shelf at Lillstreet. And then more sweet treats appeared at my condo this weekend!!! You know I love a good OREO & a good Scavenger Hunt. I’m not quite sure who the Elf is… but they obviously know me too well… and I’ve narrowed it down to two Elfish suspects!!!