Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Another early start for another beautiful sunrise bike ride. Some people have asked “what time I start to ride”… and it kinda depends on the season & when the actual sunrise is… as the “pretty part” where the colors all change is about a half hour before the sun actual crests the horizon. Currently, because the sunrise is so late… I’m heading out when it is still pitch black about 5:45am. As you can see the dark skyline shots that were taken this morning just past my turn-around point about 10 miles in. Then I pedal towards home hoping to catch the “actual” sunrise before I get there. I’m one of the few people who actually look forward to the Fall time change… as it effectively gives me another hour in my morning before I need to head-off to work! More time to play along the lake & enjoy the sunrise!!! Sure, it’s early… but look at this!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

With a pile of clouds along the horizon, today started with some early morning drama… some colorful cloud-play… a chill in the air… and then the sun went back behind the clouds. The colors may have dissipated, but it made an appearance again when it finally made it “over” the clouds!

Categories: bike, sunrise

A slightly hazy start & mostly clear skies make for a beautiful sunrise day!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Another chilly morning for long sleeves & gloves… with a crisp wind blowing in with crazy cool clouds for some morning drama! Always fun when the waves are crashing in all around… where timing is everything… kinda makes the sunrise photo shoot more like a lakefront game!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

While Wednesday morning was quite a different story… much warmer with crazy cool calico-colored clouds! After a long stretch of cloud-free skies, Wednesday brought in a wonderful surprise sunrise… followed by rain! Which is all good… my garden plants were very happy! And we got THIS!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Another morning with totally clear skies… not a cloud to be found anywhere! Just a beautiful orange sky… and a lighthouse structure to play with! Gotta love a good morning bike ride with some silhouette fun!

Categories: bike, sunrise, Uncategorized

I hate to say it… but I kinda want some clouds!!! Enough of these “perfect” cloud-free mornings. Sure, they’re pretty and all… but I prefer the morning drama of a good cloud being splashed with sunrise color! Enough of this “perfect” stuff…

Okay, so there was one high-point… a group of sunrise runners out there celebrating someone’s birthday – complete with party hats while they ran by!

Categories: bike, flowers, nature

What a beautiful day… blue skies & the feeling of “freedom” all day on my bike! At least until you get to this sign… that makes me laugh EVERY time!!! Yes, the bike trail LITERALLY stops right there!!! Dead end. No more cement. Done. But if you know how to navigate around it, you can easily make it all the way to Waukegan in time for lunch & ice cream! Of course, after several stops along the way… especially for all of the Fall wildflowers along the north shore & Openlands Lakeshore Preserve just south of Fort Sheridan! Enjoy… I know I sure did.

Categories: bike, sunrise

Second verse, same as the first… another day just like yesterday! Not a cloud in the sky (almost) and very few people out along the lake. Just a couple bikers… and a few runners possibly still training for next weekend’s marathon? Been there, done that… glad I’m not this year! I’d rather be pedaling…

Categories: bike, sunrise

Not a cloud in the sky… and surprisingly few people out this morning. It was a beautiful ride… kinda like I had the whole lakefront to myself?! I’m guessing that with the beautiful forecast for today, more people will be outside playing this afternoon in the summer temps! I know I will be…